Reflection on the marketing project

At first, I would say thank you to my team members.
It was a long way to finish this project.
In the first team meeting, I was so nervous because it was the first group meeting in English though I had done a lot in Japan. However, everyone in the group was very kind to me and innovative. I thought that this team was going to do a great job and we did!!

Of course, some problems happened. For example, one person, sometimes more than one, was usually late for a meeting. There were some fierce controversies among us.

However, everyone did their jobs on time in the end. It was a nice experience for me.

Thinking about the third assignment, it seemed difficult because I had never done such kind of video projects and none of our members did it before either. We struggled with how to start our filming.

Moreover, since one of our members was busy at that time and could not participate in our meeting, she had her own ideas about filming and it was different from ours.
Therefore, as in some of peer reviews, our video was a little difficult to follow. This is because two different videos combined together. We should have discussed it more. But, anyway, we learned a lot from this experience and we would do better next time.

Thank you very much for our teammates, class mates, and professor who gave us a great opportunity to learn how to do a video project.