Windows 8 and Low Sales

Microsoft is notorious for its competitive organization environment within the business. The employees are often awarded based on the quantity rather than the quality of new products and programmes designed and written. Now that Windows 8 is out, and promotional sites could be seen every where, including the Sub of UBC. There is a significant change in the programmes and apps use in Windows 8 compared to Windows 7, which makes this new operating system innovative and creative.

After I watched the promotion video that summarizes major features of this new system, my first reaction was that Microsoft has produced a laptop-shaped or PC-shaped IPad. Customers have the options to either touch the screen to type words and to go to desired sites, or they could use the keyboard as they have done with other operating systems. It is legitimate to say that Windows 8 computer is a combination of PC and an IPad, which Microsoft intends to create a merged product to increase its competitive advantage.

According to a report, however, “Windows 8 may not be selling nearly as well as Microsoft projected.”  I think this may be attributed to the fact that most consumers probably already own a PC and an IPad at the same time, so that there is no need for them to get this hybrid product. Also, the way that Windows 8 operates is rather different from Windows 7, so consumers may need to take more time to figure out how to use this system most effectively. This could also contributed to its relatively low level of sales, because people are used to the old operating system, and simply do not want to spend too much effort to learn the new one.

Microsoft has made the effort to introduce a new operating system that aims to increase the level of convenience; however, consumer’s dissatisfaction seems to turn their intention into a failure. This example reemphasized the importance of consumer preference, and how it should guide the decision-making process in a business.


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Web-video Advertising:A New Future

Youtube, Vimeo, Hulu…there are just too many online video streaming websites for me to list them in order. As consumers have seen, the popularity of Facebook has attracted different business to put their ads up on this website, with the desire to better promote their company. This trend has continued, and as described by my classmate Shawn, businesses begin to allocate some of their capital on web-video advertising. The lengths of the ads are often around 15 to 20 seconds, and they begin to play as soon as the website is opened, which gives some time for the video to load.

Youtube is one of my most visited websites, since I use it to watch anime and to listen to the new songs and concerts of my favourite idol. However, the advertisements that precedes the video is often irrelevant, and sometimes, it is even annoying when you really want to watch the video. Most of the time, I will just click on “skip ad” as soon as this button is available and I will not pay any attention to the ad. Nevertheless, Youtube has designed so that the “skip ad” button will only pop up after the advertisement has played for around 5 seconds. This is very a smart move because the consumers would definitely be exposed to part of the ad. Regardless of what they do, as long as they want to watch that video, they must “endure” through the 5 seconds of advertisement. Conversely, if the advertisement centres on a product that they are interested in or the advertisement successfully “hooks up” the consumers, they will finish watching this promotion and have a higher chance to become consumers. As Shawn as mentioned, there are millions of daily viewers for a varieties of video streaming websites in the world, and if each video is preceded by a 20 seconds ad, the customer base is rather significant and much more diverse (since you have no idea who is watching the video and where they are watching the video from). Therefore, it is possible to explain the increasing popularity of the web video advertisement, as it appears to be effective and innovative.

I agree with Shawn that this industry is likely to grow in the future. People gain enormous information from online video steaming websites these days. The high volume of visitor and the diversity of the visitors are ideal for businesses to promote themselves and to advertise for their product.


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Lean Planning

Another theory is proposed with the claim that it will improve the decision-making process in the business, and to reduce risk. Lean planning, suggested by Sabrina Parsons, will drive growth for small businesses and entrepreneurs. The views presented in the article appear to be overly optimistic and simplistic. The model introduced is similar to the business plan template that we have seen in the handbook online, where common sense and logic serve as primary ways to make judgements.

Lean planning, according to Parsons, enables entrepreneurs to keep “up to date with the innovation and security planning”. It contains an executive summary focused on administration, a financial plan with sales forecast, cash flow and balance sheet and lastly, an action plan in a form of time skeleton that outlines important events in the future. This is a simplified version of the business plan template, and it reminds me of the case assignments that we have completed. Then, the businesses should set up monthly meetings to compare the actual sales with the expectation, and to brainstorm methods of improvements. In short, lean planning is simply a short term business plan, with financial, operational, and action information so that business could refer to while making decisions or adjustments.  What I like about this methodology is that there is constant comparison between the expected sales and the actual sales, which triggers a moment of reflection and critical thinking.  We could even title these moments as a process of learning and rebuilding. After potential problems are identified, companies can then take their action to fix them. Also, because there are monthly meetings, owners is able to update their data fairly constantly, and is able to observe any short-term effect the solutions have on their sales.

Nevertheless, we do need to understand that lean planning is just a strategy, a tool that will help us to make better decisions. It does not mean the decisions made through this process will be the best one, because the market is very unpredictable and any forecast is based upon previous experience and observations, Lean planning is a useful, but inadequate tool that serves as a guidance rather than a determinant in the decisions making process.

A Future of Technology is A Future of Machineary

“Eventually…[humans] will be in machines and vice versa…If your Facebook page continues to operate after you die, in some sense you are immortal. These kinds of things will continue to become bigger and bigger.”

———Peter Nowak, Well on our way to merging with machines

Technology, technology, and more technology. As the technological innovation and advances flood the market, consumers are constantly changing the style of the products and the efficiency of the product that they use at school and during work. Nowak’s blog post concerns about the future, and it is interesting how he sounds more like a sociologists rather than a business analyst in this blog post. Nowak considers about the threat that technologies could potentially have in people’s lives, and warns us that too much technology may detriment, rather than improve the living standard of the society.

As we as consumers embrace the technological changes, and craves on the benefit brought by internet, lighter computers, and smart phones, Nowak demonstrates his concern about the overdependence on technology and the tragic effect this may have on the mankind. The article mentioned about “Ray Kurzweil’s prediction of a technological singularity, [who believes] that humans and machines will merge [in the future].” At first, this comments seems to be funny and weird, however, if we look carefully at the existing technologies, we could see that Kurzweil is perfectly serious in this comment. The article mentions about producing chips for computers that could store information and different programs that will improve the efficiency of the product. However, I feel that Nowak is implying that business might be able to produce chips that can be directly planted in the brain of humans in the future, and turn us into an alive computer. This idea may appear to be fascinating at first, as the capacity of human brain could be significantly increased. Nevertheless, this is likely to raise ethical issues because if this situation becomes true, human beings will be controlled and governed by the chip, which may be connected to another machine. It is true that numerous, highly profitable business opportunities are associated with the enhancement of technology, like the chip example given above; but the merge between human and machine is just too creepy and horrifying to imagine.

If, just if, there is a merge between human beings and machine in the future, I will not want to know what it is like. Currently, we could see these hybrids in fiction movies, and we title these people as “monsters”, or other negative terms. However, if the merge become a norm, will normal human beings become outcasts? After all, the issue raised by Nowak will be boiled down to ethics and values, which are subjected to changes. Will human merge with machines in the future? No one knows.



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IPad Mini, not significantly different from the IPad

As technologies innovate and change, the boundary that defines one product from another is often blurred. As consumers, we seek for more travel-efficient product to fulfill our need for a computer, and similar-type products that is less burdensome to carry around with. That is why we have the tablets, the Samsung Notes, the Mac Pro Air, and the IPad. Now Apple Inc is trying to shift consumer’s attention into a new product: their IPad Mini.

CNN Tech has reported that the IPad Mini is simply a smaller, thinner, lighter and cheater IPad. Other than its convenience to carry around, there is no observable technological change to the program its runs or new apps that may increase its efficiency. Why, then, should customers change their IPads or other similar products, into this new IPad mini? It is difficult for me to find a good reason for people to accept this new product, because it is not different enough from its existing substitutes in the market. Compared to the Samsung Notes, the IPad Mini cannot be used as a cell phone to make phone calls; although it has a slightly bigger screen. Compared to the original IPad, it just differs in some external features, without any improvement in its apps and programs. Therefore, IPad Mini may be a good product for customers who currently lack something easy to carry with. But for the majorities of customers who already own an IPad or a tablet; it is much more difficult to convince them to get the new one.

I doubt that the IPad Mini will be super successful, since there are too many existing weird habrids which serves as substitutes in the market today. The success of the IPhone years ago results because of entirely distinctive notion and design of a smart phone, but this advantage is leveraging as other companies, like Sony, try to copy the model and design of the product. The advantage in the field of technology is super difficult to maintain, because as time goes by, increasing in substitutes create escalating competition. I guess the only possible way for a technological company to remain highly productive and successful is to innovate and to be creative, which means, Apple needs something else instead of this smaller IPad.




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Customization, Uniqueness, and Business Opportunities

Customer-designed, hand-drawn shoes

Beads with letters that can spell any words or phrases desired by customers

DIY T-shirt that allows all forms of imagination and creativity

A response and elaboration to the idea of customization

As mentioned by my classmate Kate, customization becomes an increasing trend in the world of business. The idea of owning an item with “the only, unique design” (ie, shoes, bags, t-shirt, etc.) is very attractive, and it also fulfills customer’s desire to have absolutely distinctive items from their peers and families. As seen from the three pictures above, DIYs and customized designs begin to take part of the commercial market, and dominate people’s choices.

Kate’s blog post about customization introduced me to the new initiative of “freestyle choices” of Coca Cola. The company has developed vending machines that allow customers to mix different products of Coca Cola Company, and to create their own innovative drink. Indubitably, this idea is very interesting and appealing, and this will arouse curiosity within customers, and stimulate sales of drinks made by Coca Cola. Nevertheless, the success (assuming that this approach will be successful) appears to be a short-term, rather than a sustaining, popularity. At first, customers may be driven by curiosity, and the desire to try the mixture of existing soft drinks. However, this curiosity is likely to die out in the future, because once consumers have tried the mixture of different products by Coca Cola, the idea of mixing will not be that mysterious to them. I am a bit confused by this decision made by Coca Cola, because the potential benefit brought by this machine under-weighs the total costs needed. The financial burden of the company is likely to increase, as significant amount of money are poured into the building, installation, and the operation process. Also, whether customers will buy into this idea also remains ambiguous. Unlike customized shoes, bracelets, and T-shirts, which generate new production lines and a new niche, this mixing soft drink idea appears to be too mediocre to be considered as an innovation (although Coca Cola calls the drink “innovative drinks”). Why should consumers purchase their mixed drink from this vending machine instead of purchasing the dinks individually and mix them at home? The latter suggestions may yield less mixing options, however, there lacks a strong justification for having this vending machine. It appears to be a waste of money, and an attempt to be creative (which is really not).

More considerations are definitely needed from Coca Cola about installing this new machine. The capital could be allocated more effectively in other areas, like developing a new type of soft drinks. Currently,it is difficult to see a high return from these machines, and more investigations are needed in order to come up with a more convincing conclusion.




Money, Environment, and Social Responsibility

Be green, be environmentally friendly, improve efficiency…this list can go on and on, addressing the same concern. Due to consumer’s concern, substantial pressure is imposed upon business entities, to seek a more Eco-friendly approach in the production process of a product; as environment and profit seem to positively correlated to each other,

The quote that is visited and revisited in COMM101 is “The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits“, by Milton Friedman. and it is also mentioned in the class preparation article Green to gold: how smart companies use environmental strategy to innovate, create value, and build competitive advantage. Like many of the other consumers, some of my friends believe that the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the companies should go beyond the idea of making profits. Nevertheless, I agree with Friedman in the sense that profit is always number one for profit-seeking businesses. Indeed, there are some businesses and claims that they are “going green” by implementing certain changes, but this change simply serves as a point of difference that will increase their competitive advantage. Starbucks, for example, advocates about its “bring your own cup” approach by offering a 10 cent discount to customers.  It is clear that Starbucks is demonstrating a desire to reduce the consumption of trees and to protect he environment. However, 10 cent is simply too little to be attractive for consumers to take this suggestion seriously, and there is high chance for customers to just purchase the coffee at normal price. Also, it is legitimate to assume that the price of coffee charged by Starbucks probably covers the average total costs and includes a satisfactory profit margin; a 10 cent deduction will be very insignificant, as the price of coffee is often around 2 to 3 dollars with tax. Does Starbucks have the intention to reduce the consumptions of trees? Yes, however, only to the extent that they will still gain substantial, satisfactory profit. The CRS to be eco-friendly is therefore, simply a by product of the company’s desire to be successful and to attract customers (as they care about the environment).

(Starbucks coffee menu)

Are there businesses that build their entire value proposition about being eco-friendly? There maybe. However, we should keep in mind that profit is the actual base of most businesses, regardless of what they claim to be. Eco-friendly approaches are used to disguise the company’s desire to differentiate themselves from competitors, and to generate higher revenue, which leads to higher profit.

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