Windows 8 and Low Sales

Microsoft is notorious for its competitive organization environment within the business. The employees are often awarded based on the quantity rather than the quality of new products and programmes designed and written. Now that Windows 8 is out, and promotional sites could be seen every where, including the Sub of UBC. There is a significant change in the programmes and apps use in Windows 8 compared to Windows 7, which makes this new operating system innovative and creative.

After I watched the promotion video that summarizes major features of this new system, my first reaction was that Microsoft has produced a laptop-shaped or PC-shaped IPad. Customers have the options to either touch the screen to type words and to go to desired sites, or they could use the keyboard as they have done with other operating systems. It is legitimate to say that Windows 8 computer is a combination of PC and an IPad, which Microsoft intends to create a merged product to increase its competitive advantage.

According to a report, however, “Windows 8 may not be selling nearly as well as Microsoft projected.”  I think this may be attributed to the fact that most consumers probably already own a PC and an IPad at the same time, so that there is no need for them to get this hybrid product. Also, the way that Windows 8 operates is rather different from Windows 7, so consumers may need to take more time to figure out how to use this system most effectively. This could also contributed to its relatively low level of sales, because people are used to the old operating system, and simply do not want to spend too much effort to learn the new one.

Microsoft has made the effort to introduce a new operating system that aims to increase the level of convenience; however, consumer’s dissatisfaction seems to turn their intention into a failure. This example reemphasized the importance of consumer preference, and how it should guide the decision-making process in a business.


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