Customization, Uniqueness, and Business Opportunities

Customer-designed, hand-drawn shoes

Beads with letters that can spell any words or phrases desired by customers

DIY T-shirt that allows all forms of imagination and creativity

A response and elaboration to the idea of customization

As mentioned by my classmate Kate, customization becomes an increasing trend in the world of business. The idea of owning an item with “the only, unique design” (ie, shoes, bags, t-shirt, etc.) is very attractive, and it also fulfills customer’s desire to have absolutely distinctive items from their peers and families. As seen from the three pictures above, DIYs and customized designs begin to take part of the commercial market, and dominate people’s choices.

Kate’s blog post about customization introduced me to the new initiative of “freestyle choices” of Coca Cola. The company has developed vending machines that allow customers to mix different products of Coca Cola Company, and to create their own innovative drink. Indubitably, this idea is very interesting and appealing, and this will arouse curiosity within customers, and stimulate sales of drinks made by Coca Cola. Nevertheless, the success (assuming that this approach will be successful) appears to be a short-term, rather than a sustaining, popularity. At first, customers may be driven by curiosity, and the desire to try the mixture of existing soft drinks. However, this curiosity is likely to die out in the future, because once consumers have tried the mixture of different products by Coca Cola, the idea of mixing will not be that mysterious to them. I am a bit confused by this decision made by Coca Cola, because the potential benefit brought by this machine under-weighs the total costs needed. The financial burden of the company is likely to increase, as significant amount of money are poured into the building, installation, and the operation process. Also, whether customers will buy into this idea also remains ambiguous. Unlike customized shoes, bracelets, and T-shirts, which generate new production lines and a new niche, this mixing soft drink idea appears to be too mediocre to be considered as an innovation (although Coca Cola calls the drink “innovative drinks”). Why should consumers purchase their mixed drink from this vending machine instead of purchasing the dinks individually and mix them at home? The latter suggestions may yield less mixing options, however, there lacks a strong justification for having this vending machine. It appears to be a waste of money, and an attempt to be creative (which is really not).

More considerations are definitely needed from Coca Cola about installing this new machine. The capital could be allocated more effectively in other areas, like developing a new type of soft drinks. Currently,it is difficult to see a high return from these machines, and more investigations are needed in order to come up with a more convincing conclusion.




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