IPad Mini, not significantly different from the IPad

As technologies innovate and change, the boundary that defines one product from another is often blurred. As consumers, we seek for more travel-efficient product to fulfill our need for a computer, and similar-type products that is less burdensome to carry around with. That is why we have the tablets, the Samsung Notes, the Mac Pro Air, and the IPad. Now Apple Inc is trying to shift consumer’s attention into a new product: their IPad Mini.

CNN Tech has reported that the IPad Mini is simply a smaller, thinner, lighter and cheater IPad. Other than its convenience to carry around, there is no observable technological change to the program its runs or new apps that may increase its efficiency. Why, then, should customers change their IPads or other similar products, into this new IPad mini? It is difficult for me to find a good reason for people to accept this new product, because it is not different enough from its existing substitutes in the market. Compared to the Samsung Notes, the IPad Mini cannot be used as a cell phone to make phone calls; although it has a slightly bigger screen. Compared to the original IPad, it just differs in some external features, without any improvement in its apps and programs. Therefore, IPad Mini may be a good product for customers who currently lack something easy to carry with. But for the majorities of customers who already own an IPad or a tablet; it is much more difficult to convince them to get the new one.

I doubt that the IPad Mini will be super successful, since there are too many existing weird habrids which serves as substitutes in the market today. The success of the IPhone years ago results because of entirely distinctive notion and design of a smart phone, but this advantage is leveraging as other companies, like Sony, try to copy the model and design of the product. The advantage in the field of technology is super difficult to maintain, because as time goes by, increasing in substitutes create escalating competition. I guess the only possible way for a technological company to remain highly productive and successful is to innovate and to be creative, which means, Apple needs something else instead of this smaller IPad.



URL: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/ipad-mini-review-perfect-size-sacrifice/story?id=17699824


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