Web-video Advertising:A New Future

Youtube, Vimeo, Hulu…there are just too many online video streaming websites for me to list them in order. As consumers have seen, the popularity of Facebook has attracted different business to put their ads up on this website, with the desire to better promote their company. This trend has continued, and as described by my classmate Shawn, businesses begin to allocate some of their capital on web-video advertising. The lengths of the ads are often around 15 to 20 seconds, and they begin to play as soon as the website is opened, which gives some time for the video to load.

Youtube is one of my most visited websites, since I use it to watch anime and to listen to the new songs and concerts of my favourite idol. However, the advertisements that precedes the video is often irrelevant, and sometimes, it is even annoying when you really want to watch the video. Most of the time, I will just click on “skip ad” as soon as this button is available and I will not pay any attention to the ad. Nevertheless, Youtube has designed so that the “skip ad” button will only pop up after the advertisement has played for around 5 seconds. This is very a smart move because the consumers would definitely be exposed to part of the ad. Regardless of what they do, as long as they want to watch that video, they must “endure” through the 5 seconds of advertisement. Conversely, if the advertisement centres on a product that they are interested in or the advertisement successfully “hooks up” the consumers, they will finish watching this promotion and have a higher chance to become consumers. As Shawn as mentioned, there are millions of daily viewers for a varieties of video streaming websites in the world, and if each video is preceded by a 20 seconds ad, the customer base is rather significant and much more diverse (since you have no idea who is watching the video and where they are watching the video from). Therefore, it is possible to explain the increasing popularity of the web video advertisement, as it appears to be effective and innovative.

I agree with Shawn that this industry is likely to grow in the future. People gain enormous information from online video steaming websites these days. The high volume of visitor and the diversity of the visitors are ideal for businesses to promote themselves and to advertise for their product.


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