Entrepreneaur: A Blog Site Where The Inspirations Start

Entrepreneur is a blog site that collects many helpful and inspiring posts related to business. What makes this site unique is that the posts are categorized and organized. In addition, the contents are interesting and can be related to readers as well as the topics are attractive. 


Let’s take one blog post that brings me the most attention as an example: Hiring: Why the Most Skilled Candidate Isn’t Always the Right Candidate. First off, the subversive topic has already caught my attention because usually when it comes to hiring a new employee, typically the most skilled candidates receive more chances to be hired. Second, the content covers more than just theory. The author talks about the experience of hiring a skilled candidate who was smart and assertive however did not share the same vision of projects with the author which caused many unnecessary conflicts and problems (par.2). The combination of personal experience and theory usually is more persuasive than the theory alone because readers can feel more related to what the writer attempts to proof. Third, the author also provides helpful tips that teach readers how to determine whether or not a skilled candidate fits the employer’s needs(par.3).

The blog site also develops a free application available for mobile device users. Thus, reader can enjoy the posts whenever and wherever they are.








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