Workers’ Dissatisfaction from Poor Business Management

A company received satisfaction from its workers is often the one with a good management system. Poor management increases employees’ turnover rates as well as decreases the total profit because employees are unmotivated, they are unwilling to be productive. There are many companies listed in the article “America’s Worst Companies to work for” such as Dillard’s Inc, Sears Holdings Coop. that are constantly making their workers miserable. Those companies have similar factors that result in this low rating.

Observed from my COMM 101 class, many classmates voted that wage provides the most motivation to employees. Thus, when it comes to low pay, unless there are other motives like potential opportunities that hold employees back, it is more likely that workers will have less motivation. Dish Network is being called as “The Meanest Company in America” due to three reasons: low salaries, poor benefits and muti-complex tasks. Many workers think that the workload is tremendous, however, they did not receive the equal amount of benefits from the company.

In my perspective, gaining satisfaction from either customers or employees gives sustainability to a company. Since when workers are satisfied, they are more willing to act in the best interests of a company, which results in increasing profits. When customers are satisfied, they will return and purchase again.





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