Polaris Minerals: A Company That Cares about their First Nations

There has been a lot of news recently about the Keystone Pipeline, and their issues getting the trust of the First Nations. Fortunately, this blog is not about that, and is instead about a company that incorporates First Nations and has complete trust with them.

Polaris Minerals is a company that began communicating with the ’Namgis First Nation and Kwakiutl First Nation back in early 2000. By doing so, as well as making sure that the ’Namgis received 12-per-cent equity interest in the quarry, that the Kwakiutl has an impacts and benefits agreement, and that over 50% of the employees were native, they were able to build a strong and lasting partnership. 

I believe this is the way to deal with issues such as this. The First Nations have been oppressed and mistreated for years, and left at a disadvantage. The least that could be done is to treat them properly and not try to take advantage of them and their land and resources. Polaris Minerals is a great example of a company that can do business that’s ethical and morally just.


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