Black Friday

Over the years, Kmart starts their operation hours on Black Friday earlier and earlier. This year, it will open from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.

In Canada, the function of the Boxing day is almost the same as the  Black Friday in the USA. Most companies will reduce prices to some extent in order to increase the sales of their products. Even though the marginal profit of the product might not be as high as it was, the performance of the company will be better presumably it uses the inventory turnover equation to evaluate the company’s performances. The inventory turnover equation, which comprised of the cost of goods sold divided by the average inventory, indicates the quickest and the most effective way to improve a company’s performances as it lessens the total amount of inventory in a company.

However, high inventory turnover rate does not necessarily mean higher profits since it only takes into account on the costs and the inventory. For instance, the person who wants to improve his or her own performance can just give the product to anyone else for free as the ratio is not related to the revenue. To prevent this from happening, companies should use various financial ratio to justify the performances, otherwise the evaluation may be invalid and inaccurate.


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