Comments on Wenpei Chen’s Post

Recently,my classmate Wenpei Chen posted a blog “Why Apple Delay the Time to Release iPhone 6 in China”. With regard to his post,this essay is the comments on it.

The post caught my eyes when I was looking though my classmates’ blogs.Because I am a technology products lover and a big fan of Apple, I had read a lot of news about the issue the reason why apple can not release iPhone 6 in China as the first batch.An objective reason is China is a highly government power control’s country,every new model phone has to be examined by a department called Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China(MITT).MITT detectives if a new phone obey the laws in China.For example, iPhone 3GS first launched in China in 2008 via the county’s second largest carrier China Unicom,which was cut off its wifi function by MITT,because at that time, no one was permitted to use wifi in China.The same situation happened to iPhone 6 this time too. Because the telecom system in China has both TD-LTE and FDD-LTE,which TD-LTE is developed by China and Chinese government is desiring to popularize it to the whole country ,however ,iPhone 6 support both TD and FDD, which cause some loss to the carriers like China Unicom and China Mobile.That’s a waste of time waiting releasing iPhone6 in China,and MITT also need a lot of time to exam the phone.

As the author mentions “It sent out the message to delay the time of releasing and use the customers’ mentality.”,I cannot agree more.Everyone knows that Apple is the most successful company that operated “huger marketing”from iPhone4.Even though MITT waste a lot of time examine the new iPhone,but why don’t Apple sent the sample to MITT in advance.Because we all know that when iPhone5 released ,it can be bought in China at first time because of Apple send the sample to MITT in advance.This is how Apple use consumers’ mind so that customers’ desire to buy the product would rise dramatically.In this way,Apple can really make a purchase boom in the main land of China.

One the other hand,the author refers to a disadvantage of delay the release time in China mainland is that obstructing the sale goal of  9,000,000 units in the first weekend. In my opinion ,this disadvantage cannot count as a disadvantage at all. Because iPhone 6 will sales as Apple’s top mobile model in the next one year,the first week’s sales does’t mean anything in such a long run sales.

Comments on bryanchow358’s Blog3

This blog is the comments on bryanchow358’s blog 3 , Advertisements should not be so aggressive!

In the original blog,the author says slogan with phrases such as ‘the only’, ‘the best’, or ‘if you don’t buy it, it’s your lost’ type of slogan, it gave the impression that the company is arrogant and annoying, therefore I’m less likely to even bother to purchase the product.”  However,it is which the slogans make the products of the company selling so well.From the company’s view,its goal is maximize the total profits.The slogan will make consumers have  high impressions to its products,and if they see this brand’s products among the same categories in a market,their first choice must be the slogan one over the none slogan one.So,advertisements definitely help promoting the sales of the products. And in my opinion ,”aggressive advertisements” even better to achieve the goal of promoting the sales.Because of “aggressive advertisements” has a really strong function of brainwashing,which makes consumers believe its the best as the slogan says. I would agree that the companies should do more market research to figure out how to present their product with the most appealing way to costumers, to gain more positive attention with curiosity.However , consumers are not three-year-old kids,they are able to distinguish and make their own decisions whether to buy or not.

This is the link to original blog of bryanchow358:


Tribal Park-Win-win Strategy for First Nations

Recently,A B.C. First Nation is set to declare a vast chunk of the Chilcotin as a tribal park, including the site of the controversial proposed New Prosperity mine at Fish Lake.The tribal park would cover about 3,120 square kilometres and protect cultural, heritage and ecological values, according to the Tsilhqot’in, while connecting to five surrounding provincial parks.

This decision definitely will accelerate the economics develop of the Chilcotin–by attracting a lot of visitors.In the meanwhile also helps the Chilcotin protecting its aboriginal culture and environment.Which is a win-win strategy.

But there is still some problems with dealing this issue. Aboriginal’s view is this place is  their sovereign territory,people going into the territory and applying for licences of occupation or permits … will have to go through the First Nations government-The India ACT. The question now is that it is very complex to apply for that permit.This will lead to people would rather go to some else easily and conveniently,but not the tribal park.

With the globalization faster and faster, cultures of the whole world seems to be assimilated.In this case, it becomes more and more important to protect the culture of The First Nation’s in Canada.If the government can do something to simplified the process of get into territories of aboriginal,there must are a lot of people willing to visit there.So aboriginals tell their stories to tourists,it reminds them of their cultures and traditions again and again.Also,tourists will bring them a lot of business opportunities.