How Social Enterprise Help People Build A Better Life

Today,when I looked into the new blog assignment’s topic:” If  the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise”?  I think it’s a really interesting question,since we already have United Nations,why do we still need them?

Social enterprise contains several aspects,which includes Ambitious,Mission Driven,Strategic,Resourceful,Results Oriented.Social entrepreneurship is the process of pursuing innovative solutions to social problems.Especially in some small aspects of social problems that cannot attract institutions like United Nations’ notice,in this situation,they need help from social enterprise.

For Arc,is a program that aimed to build a bridge, that facilitates a genuine two-way exchange of knowledge and business skills,in the meantime,it helps improve the developments in some developing countries like  South Africa,Ethiopia,Colombia and Rwanda.This is a definitely win-win strategy for both the students and these developing communities.Also,the Arc provides students with internship opportunities,which helps students gain social experiences and working experience,makes students stand at a good position when then are looking jobs after graduate.It also helps students their business horizons.The best part is,while they are doing this,they indeed helps these poor conditions communities improve with their facilities and life qualities.

For the developed countries,although its social welfares are well developed,there are still some other issues to be figured out.Now social enterprise will do its jobs dealing with these problems,and help people build a better society.


Commenting on Matthew Miller’s blog

Matthew Miller updated his blog in the early morning today.He wrote an article about how Walmart save its sales in China,and here is the original blog”Wal-Mart To Focus On Food Safety In China: Asia Chiefwal-mart-to-focus-on-food-safety-in-china-asia-chief

In the blog,he mentioned there are many food safety scandals in China.Indeed,China’s food safety is a really big problem for Chinese citizens.For me,I come from China,so I know it’s a big threat if Walmart does a bad job to ensure its food quality.Actually,Walmart did make several mistakes on its food safety problems in China.Walmart sold donkey meat mixed with fox meat and this is cause its store shut down in Chongqing.Also,Walmart’s sales is decreasing in its global markets,both in Japan,India and China.

The author says “China is a big part of future game”,and I am totally agree with that,because now China has 400 Walmart stores ,and in the next two years,Walmart plans to open 110 new facilities.And if Walmart cannot ensure its food safety and quality,it is doomed to fail.So the company said they would “continue to invest very aggressively” with a focus on food quality and safety to push up traffic to its Chinese stores.Maybe Walmart should think itself,is it because China is a big market and Walmart should fix its finance problems so that they focus on food safety? Would Walmart still concern about food safety issues if its sales and finance act good?Does Walmart concern about business ethics? I think a company should concern about what are the good for customers and provide the good things to them,not wait until its finance encountered problems then fix it.Business ethics is also an important part of how people operate a business.

Why Microsoft Makes Office Suite Free on Mobile

It is no doubt that the office use applications which includes Word, Excel and PowerPoint are the most popular applications among companies and schools in the whole world.They were first released in 1990, generated nearly a third of Microsoft’s revenue during its last fiscal year — about $26 billion of $87 billion in total.


However,the world’s largest software company, said on last Thursday that it would give away a comprehensive mobile edition of Office,and it will charge for nothing.

Nowadays,more and more people have began use mobile devices such as tablet and cellphone via the internet rather than a PC.Analysis show that not everyone needs a PC,they can do most of writing jobs on their mobile devices.Besides,Apple also canceled its paid office apps(Pages,Keynotes,Numbers)to free from 2014. Which makes people stared choose apps form Apple and other office apps like Evernote.These apps both can satisfy people’s needs,so they’d rather abandon Microsoft Office(because it’s paid).

Satya Nadella,the new CEO of Microsoft,who has pushed cloud and mobile computing as lodestars for the company’s future.Since Microsoft bought Nokia,it’s obviously Microsoft wants to make mobile become its new money machine.So it is important to attract people using their office apps.Microsoft’s new phone cancels the name of “Nokia”,it starts to use”Lumia”to name its phones.This will leave consumers a deep impression of the phone,and in the meanwhile,hence the brand value.People use other system like IOS or Android may find the free Microsoft Office apps are useful then they may consider buying a Lumia directly next time they change their phones.


Chinese Movies threat Hollywood’s Dominance

In early September this year,a Chinese made fantasy,“The Monkey King,” climbed to No. 21 at the worldwide box office, with $186.1 million in sales.A few weeks later, a Chinese comedy, “Breakup Buddies,” shot to No. 22, with $143.1 million in ticket sales as of last week.However,in America,as the Rentrak’s box-office say, United States companies and their partners backed the top 20 performers at the world box office every year for the last five year.

We have admit that Chinese movies made a really big progress in recent years.Chinese made movies not only released in China,but also released in many countries and regions like North America and Asia.Which in these places brings a lot of sales for Chinese movie companies.With the technology development in China, more and more movies can attract people’s eye balls and make people willing to go to a movie theatre.Plus,Chinese government allows only 20 movies import from other countries,for protecting Chinese movie industry.So Hollywood can inout only a few movies(approx.5 ) into China a year(compare to it makes approximately 120-150 movies/year). It’s kind monopoly behaviour that Chinese government does makes this rule. Which makes Chinese movies’ sales much higher than sales of movies from Hollywood in China(compare to the whole year).But out of China,Hollywood is still dominant in the movie market.


Reference: The New York Time 

Comments on Wenpei Chen’s Post

Recently,my classmate Wenpei Chen posted a blog “Why Apple Delay the Time to Release iPhone 6 in China”. With regard to his post,this essay is the comments on it.

The post caught my eyes when I was looking though my classmates’ blogs.Because I am a technology products lover and a big fan of Apple, I had read a lot of news about the issue the reason why apple can not release iPhone 6 in China as the first batch.An objective reason is China is a highly government power control’s country,every new model phone has to be examined by a department called Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China(MITT).MITT detectives if a new phone obey the laws in China.For example, iPhone 3GS first launched in China in 2008 via the county’s second largest carrier China Unicom,which was cut off its wifi function by MITT,because at that time, no one was permitted to use wifi in China.The same situation happened to iPhone 6 this time too. Because the telecom system in China has both TD-LTE and FDD-LTE,which TD-LTE is developed by China and Chinese government is desiring to popularize it to the whole country ,however ,iPhone 6 support both TD and FDD, which cause some loss to the carriers like China Unicom and China Mobile.That’s a waste of time waiting releasing iPhone6 in China,and MITT also need a lot of time to exam the phone.

As the author mentions “It sent out the message to delay the time of releasing and use the customers’ mentality.”,I cannot agree more.Everyone knows that Apple is the most successful company that operated “huger marketing”from iPhone4.Even though MITT waste a lot of time examine the new iPhone,but why don’t Apple sent the sample to MITT in advance.Because we all know that when iPhone5 released ,it can be bought in China at first time because of Apple send the sample to MITT in advance.This is how Apple use consumers’ mind so that customers’ desire to buy the product would rise dramatically.In this way,Apple can really make a purchase boom in the main land of China.

One the other hand,the author refers to a disadvantage of delay the release time in China mainland is that obstructing the sale goal of  9,000,000 units in the first weekend. In my opinion ,this disadvantage cannot count as a disadvantage at all. Because iPhone 6 will sales as Apple’s top mobile model in the next one year,the first week’s sales does’t mean anything in such a long run sales.

Comments on bryanchow358’s Blog3

This blog is the comments on bryanchow358’s blog 3 , Advertisements should not be so aggressive!

In the original blog,the author says slogan with phrases such as ‘the only’, ‘the best’, or ‘if you don’t buy it, it’s your lost’ type of slogan, it gave the impression that the company is arrogant and annoying, therefore I’m less likely to even bother to purchase the product.”  However,it is which the slogans make the products of the company selling so well.From the company’s view,its goal is maximize the total profits.The slogan will make consumers have  high impressions to its products,and if they see this brand’s products among the same categories in a market,their first choice must be the slogan one over the none slogan one.So,advertisements definitely help promoting the sales of the products. And in my opinion ,”aggressive advertisements” even better to achieve the goal of promoting the sales.Because of “aggressive advertisements” has a really strong function of brainwashing,which makes consumers believe its the best as the slogan says. I would agree that the companies should do more market research to figure out how to present their product with the most appealing way to costumers, to gain more positive attention with curiosity.However , consumers are not three-year-old kids,they are able to distinguish and make their own decisions whether to buy or not.

This is the link to original blog of bryanchow358:


Tribal Park-Win-win Strategy for First Nations

Recently,A B.C. First Nation is set to declare a vast chunk of the Chilcotin as a tribal park, including the site of the controversial proposed New Prosperity mine at Fish Lake.The tribal park would cover about 3,120 square kilometres and protect cultural, heritage and ecological values, according to the Tsilhqot’in, while connecting to five surrounding provincial parks.

This decision definitely will accelerate the economics develop of the Chilcotin–by attracting a lot of visitors.In the meanwhile also helps the Chilcotin protecting its aboriginal culture and environment.Which is a win-win strategy.

But there is still some problems with dealing this issue. Aboriginal’s view is this place is  their sovereign territory,people going into the territory and applying for licences of occupation or permits … will have to go through the First Nations government-The India ACT. The question now is that it is very complex to apply for that permit.This will lead to people would rather go to some else easily and conveniently,but not the tribal park.

With the globalization faster and faster, cultures of the whole world seems to be assimilated.In this case, it becomes more and more important to protect the culture of The First Nation’s in Canada.If the government can do something to simplified the process of get into territories of aboriginal,there must are a lot of people willing to visit there.So aboriginals tell their stories to tourists,it reminds them of their cultures and traditions again and again.Also,tourists will bring them a lot of business opportunities.


Wal-Mart’s Staggering Success :Instagram


Walmart has named Instagram co-founder and CEO Kevin Systrom to its board of directors to help bring its staggering success online.

Instagram is a popular pictures sharing app among smart phones and website.People share their life(travel,study,party,food,family,dog etc.)on Instagram.Also Instagram has more than 200 million monthly active users.In this case,many companies are driving sales by engaging with customers via Instagram.Now Walmart has joined in this battle,it posted a picture of Maroon 5’s new album to its Instagram account,to remind customers that it’s for sale. The post garnered about 550 “likes” and dozens of comments.

People like to tap “like bottom” while using social networking, this express their interests and cares for their friends and families.So with this consumers’ habit,Walmart’s Instagram account should consider add “like bottom=buy bottom”.People only need to tap the “like bottom”then they can purchase goods easily.They can also share what they “like”to their friends via Instagram.

There’re some brand of clothing companies,such as America Eagle,Abercrombie & Fitch also have Instagram accounts.They post new clothes with fancy pictures which makes consumers really want to try it.Like American Eagle usually received over 8,000 “likes” in every pictures.

Walmart now combine with Instagram intimately,which means a big step has been made in online sale.Walmart believe the join of Kevin Systrom can bring a lot of consumers from internet,with his experiences of social networking,transfer to shopping networking successfully.

How Transavia Affect Air France Workers


Air France-KLM Group (AF)’s pilots end two-week strike today.It’s largest pilots union called it off and the talk continued about the implications for workers of the company’s move to expand its discount unit-Transavia.

Transavia Airlines C.V., styled as and known as Transavia, is a Dutch based low-cost airline operating as an independent part of the Air France-KLM group.Recent years,Air France-KLM Group investing large amount money to Transavia,which is a low-cost company to satisfied markets demand.In this case,Air France-KLM Group have to send its pilots to the Transavia,whose pilots fly longer hours for less pay.It’s so obvious that no crew will happy about this arrangement.But the company says,those who volunteered to do so would accumulate flight hours, and therefore seniority, more quickly than at Air France, placing them in line for earlier promotion within the group.This lead unfair and much debates between the pilots of the company.Pilots all want to promote early but not willing to paid less and work so hard.

Now, in order to reduce the cost of Transavia without affect the Air France’s pilots profits,the company offered a major concession by abandoning a key element of its strategy that would have based up to one-third of Transavia’s new planes and employees in lower-wage European countries like Portugal.So hiring new workers there with a lower wage will definitely helps AF’s finance situation.Also,Transavia’s cost will be lower,and people can buy cheaper air tickets which help the expansion of Air France-KLM Group.

2 New iPhone 6 Devices Break iPhone’s Sales History

iPhone 6,the bigger,the better?

According to Apple Inc. sales statistic that it had sold 10 million units of its new and bigger iPhones over the weekend, up from the nine million iPhones it sold last year in the first weekend of sales for the previous generation of iPhones.

The most noticeable thing is,these 2 new iPhone 6 didn’t sale in China(one of the biggest market for Apple) because of some Chinese Government issues.But it still break iPhone’s sale amount history. So there must be much more sales if Apple could sale its 2 new iPhone 6 at the beginning in China,which indicates that iPhone 6 are really popular among consumers and stockholders are still full of confidence of the future of Apple Inc. As a Apple’s fan,I also tried to reserver an iPhone 6 plus online via Apple Store several times , but every day they sold out all the inventory of iPhone 6 within few seconds.You can see how popular they are.And the demands are quite larger than supplies,which makes black market gain the consumers’ extra money again. Many people in HK use some apps to reserve the iPhone online which is faster than manual reserve, so they can sell them in black market to gain profits.So that people who really want an iPhone can only buy it easily via black market with much higher price.

The 2 new iPhone 6 still don’t get the admission enter Chinese market for now .Once they get admission, the sales of them will surprise the world again.