The past, present and future of the Fast-food industry

Fast-food was created to cater to people’s need of convenient and efficient way to get meals since modern people tend to live fast-paced lives. For years, fast-food companies have been competing with each other through enhancing their service and offering new products to attract new customers and establish customer base.

Since the fast-food market is fairly saturated in most developed part of the world, the whole industry is now seeking growth through expanding its market to less developed countries as well. In recent years, more and more big fast-food companies begin to enter the African market because it presents great potentials with large population, growing economy and globalized similar needs.

However, it’s only a matter of time that fast-food industry will sometime be saturated in Africa as well. I feel that at this point, fast-food companies should not be satisfied with their present situation and usual strategy of changing flavor of their products. For the future of Fast-food companies, it would be more important to be the first to offer healthy and cheap products with good flavor since people now are more health conscious.  Like what’s happening in Burger King. It is now offering “low fat fries”. Low fat fries provide people with a healthier way to eat potatoes. As  Michelle Obama said that “If anyone can make our kids eat their vegetables, it’s all of you.” Developing healthy and tasty fast food is surely the future of fast food industry.


Reuters “Burger King to offer low fat fries” (2013 September 24)

Oliver J. & Tatiana N. “Fast-food giant want pizza the action in African” (2013 Oct 4)

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