Yvy Truong

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. – Oscar Wilde

Tag: Antigone

Antigone’s Claim and Other Nonsensical Thoughts, A Second Edit

Okay, so maybe I’m not quite done here. I blame the coffee I had earlier.   I have to study for my Anthropology midterm but nope, not right now. Why? Because Antigone is why.   To be honest, I don’t know how I feel about Antigone. I can’t hate her but I can’t like her. […]

Antigone’s Claim and Other Nonsensical Thoughts, An Edit

Someone help me, I can’t stop thinking about Antigone and Antigone’s Claim. I can’t seem to put everything on one post because once I publish something, another thing pops up.   Damn you, Sophocles. Damn you.   Right now I’m thinking about Sophocles’s intention when writing the play, because I think if I figure that […]

Antigone’s Claim and Other Nonsensical Thoughts

Truth be told, I didn’t read all of Antigone’s Claim because I found it quite dry. However, after today’s lecture I think I’ll give it another go (but that means I have to juggle between rereading Antigone for the essay, Antigone’s Claim, and Dr. Faustus).  Perhaps the second time around I’ll be able to get […]

Antigone and Other Nonsensical Thoughts

First of all, I’d like to say congratulations to everyone who has written and handed in their first Arts One paper. Yesterday night marked the first paper that I will write for University and to me, I think it marks the beginning of my University career.   When I first read Antigone, I was surprised […]

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