Yvy Truong

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars. – Oscar Wilde

Tag: Help

Antigone’s Claim and Other Nonsensical Thoughts, A Second Edit

Okay, so maybe I’m not quite done here. I blame the coffee I had earlier.   I have to study for my Anthropology midterm but nope, not right now. Why? Because Antigone is why.   To be honest, I don’t know how I feel about Antigone. I can’t hate her but I can’t like her. […]

Antigone’s Claim and Other Nonsensical Thoughts, An Edit

Someone help me, I can’t stop thinking about Antigone and Antigone’s Claim. I can’t seem to put everything on one post because once I publish something, another thing pops up.   Damn you, Sophocles. Damn you.   Right now I’m thinking about Sophocles’s intention when writing the play, because I think if I figure that […]

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