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Category Archives: Assignments

So my midterms are pretty much done for Term 1. I have my last one this Friday which is second of my Economics midterms. But I’m really not happy with the grades I’ve been receiving. I really need  to step it up from now on, on Finals and on all the assignments due in November. I really have to study more and harder and more detailed and understanding as well. I really hope with this I can bring up my grades by the end of this semester. I really do. :'(


So … I have a Research Paper for Psychology 101 due this Friday. It’s not really a big deal considering it`s only a 750 word paper. But I just wish I didn’t procrastinate so much. We were given this assignment more than a month ago. Actually, when school officially started. It was written on the syllabus. If I worked on this paper earlier, I could really be just relaxing right now, not worrying about anything else except for my second Econ 101 Midterm next Friday.

NTS : STOP PROCRASTINATING ! This isn’t High School anymore ;P

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