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Tag Archives: arts

So … I have a Research Paper for Psychology 101 due this Friday. It’s not really a big deal considering it`s only a 750 word paper. But I just wish I didn’t procrastinate so much. We were given this assignment more than a month ago. Actually, when school officially started. It was written on the syllabus. If I worked on this paper earlier, I could really be just relaxing right now, not worrying about anything else except for my second Econ 101 Midterm next Friday.

NTS : STOP PROCRASTINATING ! This isn’t High School anymore ;P

(this is directly off of my “About Me” page)

I’m a First-Year Arts student and I’m here to pretty much blog about my journey (cheesy don’t you think ?) as a University student starting to officially live independently ! 😀 which pretty much means no parents, working (at least looking as of now) while studying and with that, living off of instant noodles because you’re just that jobless that you really need to save money …  OR, maybe that’s just me ;P

I came from Mississauga, Ontario so I don’t know much about Vancouver just yet, but I’m getting there.  I’m not living on Rez either and I’m not regretting that so much (just yet). 😛

Some quick FAQs

Passions: Singing, Acting, Dancing = Broadway, Musical Theatre, Performing ; Design and Fashion ; Architecture

Hobbies & Interests: Sports, Guitar, Movies, Strolling the Beach/Coast, Shopping & many more …

BucketList <3 – I have huge one 😉

Anyways, keep up with me ! <3 I probably don’t have much to say aside from things I’ll experience here, but hey, why not right ? 😀


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