Seafood companies come together to end child labour

Recently, more than 100 seafood firms have joined the International Labour Organisation’s Good Labor Practices (GLP) programme to put an end to all kinds of intolerable child labor. From my perspective, this positive action raises social awareness regarding abuse of child labor and low standard of working environment in seafood processing industry.

As a lot of seafood firms have already started to adopt good labor practice guidelines, this measure successfully creates an ethical and positive image in the seafood market because consumers would regard those firms as trustworthy and socially responsible companies that contribute towards building a more harmonious society for our future generations. As marketers, they avoid detrimental actions as they do no harm to child labor by complying with relevant laws and regulations. When those seafood firms accumulate their reputation as they foster their image as honest and responsible part of the society, consumers are more willing to purchase their products, and firms’ revenues would rise as well. More importantly, child labor is terminated and working environment is significantly improved.

As to those companies which still abuse child labor, they will eventually lose their consumer loyalty and market sharing.

When firms embrace ethical values and develop their image by being socially responsible and contributing, their inner core value is appreciated, and it is beneficial to both of the firms and society in the long run.


1 thought on “Seafood companies come together to end child labour

  1. I agree with you how companies who join the GLP will increase their core ethical value . I also think if a seafood firm decides to advertise their alignment with GLP regulations, the campaign will be both an ethical and financially beneficial marketing strategy. Not only does it fight against unlawful labor practices, it also spreads a trend for other companies to take up similar corporate social responsibilities. On the other hand, customers may perceive a GLP food company to have better quality food due to ethically regulated labor and affect their attitudes towards choosing which company to buy food at. As a result, they will develop a habit of buying food at a GLP store rather than a non-certified store. With increased customer loyalty, revenues will be driven up, therefore this marketing strategy kills two birds with one stone.

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