Post about ethics in business (External blog embedded)

This topic reminds me of the economic term “production efficiency”, the rise of the proletariat, and the development of social welfare system. It  is true that allocating resources as efficient as we can is the best way to maximize profit. However, when people become labors (or assets),  another form of resources, is it ethic to allocate them efficiently–to minimize their salaries as well as rest time and increase their working time? Here comes the most controversial part. A lot of people claim that there is no such thing as business ethics because the most primary goal of businessmen, or capitalists, is to earn money as possible as they can. Therefore, all the methods used to improve labors’ lives, even the social or company’s welfare with a name of ethics, is only for keeping them working and running the “production efficiency”.

It is wrong to say that businessmen don’t have any responsibilities to the whole society, including their workers and customers. However, when the ethics and business appear at the same time, it is hard for everyone to identify that is the business “ethical” or is the ethic an another form of “business”.

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