Comments on Cheong Kim’s Blog

Hi! After reading your blog, i cant help but feel sorry for what is going on in Congo. However, the coal mining business has been labelled as “dirty” for a time far too long. some of these children aren’t even willingly working there, but were abducted and used for cheap labour. The coal mining industry itself cares only about the money, and nothing about the ethical judgements that should be taken into measures. There is a well known phrase known as “blood diamonds” which refers to african people, especially children being used in cruel labour like slavery in order to boost the production of diamonds. There was a campaign some time ago telling people to stop purchasing diamonds so this cruelty can come to an end. Coal mining is not so different than that, and the people behind it should be brought to justice. I agree with you saying that business shouldn’t always be just about money but also about the well being of the people. the customer should be satisfied, but not in terms of the process being something far from humane. The coal mining business should definitely stop exploiting people and measures should be taken to save all these children!


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