Comments on Darren Xu’s Blog

Hello, I really liked the way you discussed the issues between the aboriginal groups and the Canadian government, since it is an issue that has been going on for quite some time. From your blog, I can clearly understand that although the Canadian government would like it to “seem” as if the aboriginal groups had a say in all of the operations that might have an effect on their lifestyles, their true intentions are probably maintaining a good image while still proceeding in their original plans. It seems that although the government is looking for a new resolution for unemployment, it is also not typically eco-friendly, since their actions will intentionally destroy aboriginal land sites and interfere with the lifestyles of the aboriginal groups. I think that the First nations are a valuable people and their culture should be preserved, since it is unique regarding ethnicity. Our current world is developing so quickly at the moment, it is very important for culture to be remembered, so it may be lost to phenomenons such as globalization. I also think that events like this may cause the aboriginal groups an the government to get into fights, which in the long run, may not be beneficial to the Canadian government, since they should be doing their best to support the First nations.



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