Be a Smart Time Investor

Robert C. Pozen is a energetic person, he is a person holding multiple jobs: The instructor of Harvard Business School, senior fellow at Brookings Institution and the executive chairman of MFS. Years’ of multi-tasking makes him become a person who can arrange time reasonably. Here is the experience shared by Robert.


As the person who works at investment field, Robert thinks, people should arrange or invest their time and energy smartly. The most important two things are regularization and prioritization. Regularization can help save time. For example, Robert get up on time daily, having familiar breakfast and lunch. Because he thinks that what to eat or what to wear is not important decision; he should not waste time on these trivial matters.

For the people who are tired out by too many meetings. Robert suggests them to have clear targets or goals at the meetings. The number of people who attend meetings should be limited, no more than 8 people. What’s more, the duration of meetings should be no more than ninety minutes.

For the bosses who want to improve the efficiency and productivity of their employees. Robert suggests them to lead with results. It is unnecessary to worry too much about what their employees are doing at working time. The tasks of bosses should be setting the standards for performance assessment, definite the target clearly, and provide enough resource for the work. All in all, let the employees to work in their own ways.

Finally, Robert thinks that taking a nap or doing some exercise during working time can do a big favor for refreshing. Having a clear brain is the source of success. 


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