Comments on External blog

The article i have chosen argues about how China is about to take drastic measures in order to improve the air quality in Beijing before their latest meeting with APEC on November 7th, where multiple authorities will be attending, hence China would like to leave a good impression to its “peers”. The measures taken include shutting down 69 major factories for a period of time and also several bus lines, metro lines, and schools are granted a 6 day vacation for the air to become cleaner. Although this can indeed improve the air quality in Beijing during the APEC meeting, as it did in Shanghai a couple years ago, the effect is only short term, and soon after Beijing will go back to its bad pollution that is overdue in being attended to. People are raging on about events like these happening multiple times, where the Chinese government takes measures to improve the air quality only when there is business to attend, and how the actual smog is expected to decrease life expectancy by 5.5 years average. The question raised is, is China and its government only interested in improving their economy? Or do the people actually concern them? if so, why aren’t more drastic measures taken to resolve the air quality issue? And even if they have plans in providing solutions, how long will it actually take for China to reach a sustainable level of pollution that doesn’t affect the people so much? These questions are still left unanswered.


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