Author Archives: Jiamin Zhuge

Poverty is Not a Acute Disease


In a sense of common, the United Nations basically help everything about the living stand of humans. They use millions of dollars to solve poverty problems and also reduce homelessness. Therefore, why do we need Arc or social enterprise? It seems that the United Nations can deal with everything. 

Actually, the impact between the United Nations and social enterprises is different. Social enterprises mostly in the charge of reducing poverty by teaching people how to make money. On the other hand, the United Nations just donate money to those people, which leads to a vicious circle that when the money has been used up, the United Nations has to do the donation again.

However, we still need the help from the United Nations. The money flow from the United Nations can help people in a short term, which can deal with some urgent issues. For the long term, getting help from the social enterprise is the right decision to solve the problem of poverty. This is because a new and good enterprise can boost the development of an area. More job opportunities will be provided and this can help people to make sustainable profit. 

In conclusion, more and more social enterprise projects should be launched in the near future to deal with the poverty problem.

Comments on External blog

The article i have chosen argues about how China is about to take drastic measures in order to improve the air quality in Beijing before their latest meeting with APEC on November 7th, where multiple authorities will be attending, hence China would like to leave a good impression to its “peers”. The measures taken include shutting down 69 major factories for a period of time and also several bus lines, metro lines, and schools are granted a 6 day vacation for the air to become cleaner. Although this can indeed improve the air quality in Beijing during the APEC meeting, as it did in Shanghai a couple years ago, the effect is only short term, and soon after Beijing will go back to its bad pollution that is overdue in being attended to. People are raging on about events like these happening multiple times, where the Chinese government takes measures to improve the air quality only when there is business to attend, and how the actual smog is expected to decrease life expectancy by 5.5 years average. The question raised is, is China and its government only interested in improving their economy? Or do the people actually concern them? if so, why aren’t more drastic measures taken to resolve the air quality issue? And even if they have plans in providing solutions, how long will it actually take for China to reach a sustainable level of pollution that doesn’t affect the people so much? These questions are still left unanswered.


Comments on Cheong Kim’s Blog

Hi! After reading your blog, i cant help but feel sorry for what is going on in Congo. However, the coal mining business has been labelled as “dirty” for a time far too long. some of these children aren’t even willingly working there, but were abducted and used for cheap labour. The coal mining industry itself cares only about the money, and nothing about the ethical judgements that should be taken into measures. There is a well known phrase known as “blood diamonds” which refers to african people, especially children being used in cruel labour like slavery in order to boost the production of diamonds. There was a campaign some time ago telling people to stop purchasing diamonds so this cruelty can come to an end. Coal mining is not so different than that, and the people behind it should be brought to justice. I agree with you saying that business shouldn’t always be just about money but also about the well being of the people. the customer should be satisfied, but not in terms of the process being something far from humane. The coal mining business should definitely stop exploiting people and measures should be taken to save all these children!


Comments on Darren Xu’s Blog

Hello, I really liked the way you discussed the issues between the aboriginal groups and the Canadian government, since it is an issue that has been going on for quite some time. From your blog, I can clearly understand that although the Canadian government would like it to “seem” as if the aboriginal groups had a say in all of the operations that might have an effect on their lifestyles, their true intentions are probably maintaining a good image while still proceeding in their original plans. It seems that although the government is looking for a new resolution for unemployment, it is also not typically eco-friendly, since their actions will intentionally destroy aboriginal land sites and interfere with the lifestyles of the aboriginal groups. I think that the First nations are a valuable people and their culture should be preserved, since it is unique regarding ethnicity. Our current world is developing so quickly at the moment, it is very important for culture to be remembered, so it may be lost to phenomenons such as globalization. I also think that events like this may cause the aboriginal groups an the government to get into fights, which in the long run, may not be beneficial to the Canadian government, since they should be doing their best to support the First nations.



Jack Ma is marching towards Hollywood


Reported by the Bloomberg, Jack Ma is going to invest the business in Hollywood. He is leading his senior executives in Alibaba to talk over with those film companies about the online video business.

Jack Ma and his team are going to meet Lions Gate Entertainment, Disney, Viacom, Paramount Pictures Corporation and Time Warner Inc. in the next few days. The source of this news has requested anonymity, because those meetings are not made known to the public. According to the source, Alibaba try to make agreement with those companies, in order to have the copyright to publish the US TV programs and films. The Alibaba even ask to became a shareholder of those companies for sharing the biggest interest.


Through IPO, Alibaba has raised 25 billion dollars. Besides e-commerce services, Alibaba is working on the business of entertainment through selling TV boxes to Chinese customers. Same as the other Chinese companies of the same type, Alibaba is establishing the relationship with Hollywood. It is know to all that China has a big problem of the piracy. Therefore, in front of Alibaba is a big challenge waiting to be conquered. 



Nokia, Time to Say Goodbye

Last month, Microsoft has implied that it would give up the brand of Nokia and Windows Phone. Verified by The Verge, which is an American technology blog, Microsoft will replace Nokia by Lumia to be a new brand name for sure.


Microsoft has been transforming the to be a mobile phone website for itself gradually. Meanwhile, the Nokia France has already named its social website username as “Microsoft Lumia”. Furthermore, Microsoft has announced that, this new name will be used in other countries widely in the next few weeks.

Although Microsoft has determined to give up Nokia, it does not mean that the brand name of Nokia will disappear entirely. Having sold its mobile business to Microsoft, Nokia is still an independent company. However, it is now focusing more on the Nokia Map and the construction of the Internet. 


There is still one problem waiting to be solved. How will Microsoft deal with the brand of Windows Phone. According to the industry sources, the Nokia loge on the Lumia device will be replaced by “Microsoft” or “Lumia” in the future. There is also a great chance to be named as “Microsoft Lumia”.



Coexistence or Cooperation

The First Nation issue is a undeniable problem in Canada. On one hand, people want to protect the tradition and habits of the native people. On the other hand, development needs resources which means people need to find new resources for growing business. Unfortunately, most of unmined resources are in the region of the Fist Nation’s.

According to the tribal park issue. People who have signed the contract for having the rights to mine are facing with the problem of native people declaring the mining area as their tribal park. It is hard to tell who is right or wrong, or say, legal or illegal.

Rationally, the company has paid for the area and the mine project had been permitted by the provincial government. They are legally having the right to do whatever they are allowed to on this area.

However, from the side of the native people. We may have a sense of looting these resources from the First Nation. The people who from the First Nation can always say that this area is their home, their origin. They can also claim that they don’t need money, they just want their home to be what it should be. 

This is why the issue of First Nation has always been a problem for organizational business model. The line between native people and others is vague and hard to split. May be it is hard for people to cooperate, but I think we can find a better way to coexist.



According to The Huffington Post. E-mail, cellphones and other communication technologies have made people’s work more flexible. However, these also make employees disturbed by their bosses after work. Accumulating over a long period, employees will be exhausted by this kind of work style. In order to carry out “Knock Off is Off”, the German Labor Minister Andrea Nahles is generating a legislation that would ban employers from contacting workers after office hours.


Andrea told the media that the mental sickness has a undeniable relationship with the work-related stress. Therefore, she is in charge of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health to work out whether it is possible to set load thresholds. She also admits that, there will be a big difficulty to carry out this legislation.

In Germany, it has already been illegal for employers to contact their employees during holidays. For example, some large enterprises like BMW, has already carried out the prohibition for directors to ban them contact their workers after work.

Andrea Nahles also appeals that, the country should put forward the legislation, and protocol a standard with absolute commitments and the availability to carry out broadly. Knock off is off.


Be a Smart Time Investor

Robert C. Pozen is a energetic person, he is a person holding multiple jobs: The instructor of Harvard Business School, senior fellow at Brookings Institution and the executive chairman of MFS. Years’ of multi-tasking makes him become a person who can arrange time reasonably. Here is the experience shared by Robert.


As the person who works at investment field, Robert thinks, people should arrange or invest their time and energy smartly. The most important two things are regularization and prioritization. Regularization can help save time. For example, Robert get up on time daily, having familiar breakfast and lunch. Because he thinks that what to eat or what to wear is not important decision; he should not waste time on these trivial matters.

For the people who are tired out by too many meetings. Robert suggests them to have clear targets or goals at the meetings. The number of people who attend meetings should be limited, no more than 8 people. What’s more, the duration of meetings should be no more than ninety minutes.

For the bosses who want to improve the efficiency and productivity of their employees. Robert suggests them to lead with results. It is unnecessary to worry too much about what their employees are doing at working time. The tasks of bosses should be setting the standards for performance assessment, definite the target clearly, and provide enough resource for the work. All in all, let the employees to work in their own ways.

Finally, Robert thinks that taking a nap or doing some exercise during working time can do a big favor for refreshing. Having a clear brain is the source of success. 


FINALLY find it! The assessment mechanism better than GDP


The Millennium Development Goals which was planned by the world bank will be out of date in 2015. Till then, people will summarize the achievements which are based on this plan.

During the service of this plan, extreme poverty has been eliminated by half. About 100 million poor people have got drinkable water and millions of the poor are having access to medical care. More and more females are getting education. However, there are still a lot of work to do.

The growth of economy improves people’s living standard. While, the pace of growth may be over speeded. Pollutions are treating people’s health and the ecosystem as well. What’s worse, the short-term growth which cost by polluting the nature resources will also make those people who are on the side of the poverty line stuck in the extreme poverty again.

The world bank is leading to release a new assessment mechanism call “Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services”. A report from the United Nations requires all the government use this new mechanism. Through this, different countries can ensure their measures are sustainable and share the same fundamental interests with each other. What’s more, people can compare their assessment equally in long-term. The issues of inequality and sustainable growth may be solved in future.

