Misled Investors on the hunt for BlackBerry


          Just recently Blackberry has been on the news as they have been allegedly accused of misleading their investors (David Friend, The Canadian Press). The reporter David Friend states that the lawsuit claims that “leaders ofResearch in Motion CEO Thorsten Heins as the… smart-phone maker failed to tell investors” of thei.r failing plan to recovery (The Canadian Press). He goes on to say that the “class action suit” represents the shareholders that recently bought stocks from BlackBerry since last September since it was during this time period that BlackBerry’s operations was misrepresented

This can be related back to business ethics, and financial accountng. The reports that misled “allegedly” misled shareholders were made by financial accountants, and whether they knew what they were doing or not BlackBerry has just shown how low they will go to try and recover their company. In business, such tactics of lies and deceit is never an option, but often is seen as one. It is the responsibility of all the executives of the company to make moral decisions that will most undoubtedly benefit every single person involved, not just the individual.


New Website: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/10/05/blackberry-class-action-lawsuit_n_4047654.html?utm_hp_ref=canada-business

Pictures: http://scottebales.com/blackberry-ceo-goes-kamikazi/ http://www.dailymobile.net/2012/11/25/pictures-of-rims-first-blackberry-10-phone-leaked/blackberry-logo/

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