The Android Advantage

I recently read Zijian Mao’s blog in regards to the rapid rise of Android over Apple in the sales of smartphones. The blog outlines 3 main reasons that caused Android to overcome Apple to become the leading smartphone software sold. While I do agree with much of what was said, I would also like to add an addition thought to why Android was able to overcome Apple’s IOS series.

It is the ability for Google to install Android into a variety of popular smartphones that has allowed it to defeat Apple by such a large percent. While Apple only supplies the IOS system to their Iphones, Google has their software on phones made by Samsung, LG, HTC, Motorola, and Sony. Especially in the case of the Samsung Galaxy S3 & S4 where both of the phones hit roughly near 40 million sales.

Google makes these firms dependent Android as it has credibility and often creating one to compete will not be worth the return. This becomes proof that often the best way to conquer a market is to be able to be the supplier to as many firms that need your product.

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