BBC places next-generation iPlayer at heart of digital strategy

The iPlayer, launched in December 2007, is already hugely popular and increasingly being used on mobile devices.Of 234m requests for BBC TV and radio content in August, 32% came from smartphones and tablets.

The iPlayer company highly related to the consumer needs and consider the value proposition.The Value Proposition is the reason why customers turn to one company over another. It solves a customer problem or satisfies a customer need.  Tony Hall(a former BBC director) is expected to say that developing the next generation of the iPlayer, focusing on personalising the choice of BBC programmes offered to users, will be a key ambition for the corporation in his first significant speech since taking over in April.

Key Partnerships in this case is strongly developed ,which can be motivated by needs to acquire knowledge, licenses, or access to customers. Hall announced plans to put a wide range of cultural programming back at the heart of its output. There will be a 20% rise in investment and a new brand for arts content across radio, the internet and television. A new set of BBC partnerships with national arts institutions such as Tate, the British Museum, the National Theatre and Manchester international festival is also promised, along with relaunching The Space, the BBC’s experimental digital arts service developed in partnership with Arts Council England.


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