Midterm Blog

For Midterm evaluation I would like to submit my three latest blog posts. As I read more lessons, course materials, my classmates’ blogs and comments, I feel that I’m not only learning, but getting more confident in what I understand, reflect and write. This is why I think my later blog posts are better than the ones which I‘ve started from :).

Assignment 2:6 – Orality about Literacy in Salish Culture

I was especially interested to learn and reflect on the question about literacy in Salish culture in Assignment 2:6,  because my current home is on the land which belongs to the Coast Salish people (Sechelt on the Sunshine Coast).

Assignment 2:4. Lutz: Assumptions

That was one of the most challenging questions to respond so far. I’d read relevant fragments from the Lutz’ text so many times, that I was able to read them aloud from my memory. But… I’m still not convinced that the questioned assumption is fair :(.

Assignment 2:3 – A Common Idea of Home

I enjoyed so much reading blogs of my classmates about their sense of home and finding out how significant are our common grounds in our perceptions about home.

Jones, Emma. “Burlap Sack: The Word ‘Midterm.’” The Gateway, 23 May 2018. Web image. Web. 24 Feb, 2020

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