Innovation vs. Realisation

As a Sauder Grad of ’06, Janice Cheam is the founder of Energy Aware Technology Inc., which aims to promote and facilitate more sustainable consumer practices. The idea behind Energy Aware Technology Inc. came about during a 4th year course known as “New Venture Design.” However, unlike her peers, Janice took the idea (the business plan) which was innovative in itself and actually made it happen, procuring funding through various different outlets.

It is often said that entrepreneurs are a special breed, as they possess both the ability to innovate in terms of either reinventing an existing concept, or creating a wholly new concept, as well as the drive to physically realise the idea. I think deep down, every individual has a dream to be remembered for creating something brilliant. However the inevitable obstacles that lie between the now and the establishment of a successful entrepreneurial venture are more than just a deterring factor. Having had the idea drilled into my head early on that job stability is good and money equates to happiness, it is difficult to fathom diving head first into a plan that may not equate future returns.

Although the fear of failure prevents many from moving forward with their ideas, nothing great ever came out of no risk taken.

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