Research Shows Tablets Are Primarily Used For Entertainment

Article from Forbes Sep 17, 2013 talked about the common use of Tablets for customs and its effect for further product design. Forbes motioned that the market of tablets increasing dramatically even faster than that of PC market. Customers prefer to use tablets playing games, watching movies and visiting social sites, different from using PC for business and working purpose. The article also said according to research from Gartner, people pay more attention in quantity and price rather than in brand names.

Companies like Apple, Samsung and Microsoft started notice the preference of customer and try to adjust their tablets position and apart from their competitors’ products.

As we learned from economic class, customer tastes always make influence on the demand of the product. Companies who can satisfy customers’ needs more precisely will have larger market share. The other important thing to survive from intensive competition is to distinguish its products from others’ to narrow the substitutes.

In the artical, the author also mentioned the product position of Microsoft’s new Surfce as an example of  the company’s stratge of changed customer needs. Microsoft highlight Surface as a productivity tool to apart itself from rivals who focus on entertainment device.

Well, in my apinion although Microsoft can different itself from others, its product proposition won’t satisify customers tastes.

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