How does customization help selling more effectively

The various choices designed for different needs and preferences of customers in a cheap cost became viable with the help of technology. Today we can easily get any products with similar or same design but different brands and colors from T-shirt to computer to satisfy our wants. Take iphone 5S as an example, it has different colors and memory space available for customer to choose with same function. However it is a burden for a growing startup to have a few opinions. Zazzle, a company established in 2005 and growing rapidly, has find the way to solve the problem and make profits. It corporate with caseable, a Brookly-based customer product company, producing products which are made-to-order. The business model works well until now. Zazzel save the expense and risk in inventory. Only through Zazzle caseable increased its sales of ipad cases by 200% in 2012. The success of business is not incidental, Zazzel and caseable did a lot of analysis to make sure their products are able to meet demands. They considered about customer buying patterns, historical experience and seasonality to decide their selling strategy.

From this case, I learned that market research and analysis, customization and good partnership play significant role in business decisions and success.


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