After reading Wayne Lau’s blog

I read Is Bottom Line Everything which is the blog of Wayne Lau. He talked about entrepreneurs are trying to solve social problems such as world hunger and environmental problem. People questioned the exist of innovation and entrepreneurship which purely for social benifits.Wayne Lau belived eventhough business are not started with a pure mission to help solving social problems, they do hope to help people as a side effect. I agree with him, I personally belive that taking social responsibily and making profits help each instead of conflict to each other. Profits can be used to help solving social problems. Companies can build good brand reputation by helping solve social issues and thereby make more profits. Just as I mentioned in previous blog about Coca-Cola case which Coca-Cola has hired and trained many women to help them started carreer and more than that to help them finding their social values and estanblished positive life attitudes. We should appreciate entrepreneurs want to help with social problems instead of questioning their pupose. Coca-Cola make profits by doing it, but Coca-Cola also changed people’s life and brought them hope.  Besides, entrepreneurs’ enthusiasm of charity will also encourage their and their companies’ brand follows to get involved in the charity. Business take action into charity is win win.

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