Taking Social responsibility and making profits are not conflict to each other

By 2020, The Coca-Cola Company will have empowered 5 million women entrepreneurs throughout our global business, driving business success and transforming millions of lives.

Video link http://www.ted.com/pages/sponsors_cocacola_company

It tells how three women’s life changed because of business associated with Coca-Cola company in the video. Business is not only about making profit, but also do take social responsibility. In tradition views, women are not independent and thereby they always could not receive enough respects and freedom. In the video, three women are not only earned money to assist their family but also respected by others, and inspired and helped others by having business with  Coca-Cola. They received career training from Coca-Cola and find the value of themselves from the career. Without Coca-Cola’s help, they may still the house wives who have low status and respect in the family and society.

Even though Coca-Cola’s primary purpose is making profit instead of  helping women finding their values and improving their living standard, Coca-Cola does changed many people’s fate and gave them hopes. In my opinion, taking social responsibility and  making profits are not conflict to each other for business. They are closed friends. Taking social responsibility will bring more profits to the company and profits can be used to solve social problem, taking more and better social responsibility.

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