BlackBerry Ltd. posts $965-million loss as revenue plunges 49%

BlackBerry announced last Friday that it expects to post a loss of nearly US$1-billion dollars when the company reports its second quarter earnings.

According to reports of National Post, BlackBerry lost $965 millon in the second quarter. And most of its lost due to largely unsold of BlackBerry smartphones which value about $934 million. Compared to 9 million number of sales in iphone 5C and 5S model in the first week,  BlackBerry only achieve 5.9  million number of sales in the second quater. BlackBerry chief executive Thorsten Heins said BlackBerry need make some changes to creat a better business model. Luckily BlackBerry is still the best 10 company for penetration its products to customers and a financially strong company with 2.6 billion in cash and no debt, even though they lost revenue and lay off large amount its empolyees. Athough brand loyaty and strong financial support may help the company go through the tough time, the intensive competition is inevitable. In order to survive, BlackBerry should improve the property of its phones add more features to attract customers. According to the reports most of its sells are running by BlackBerry 7 OS instead of BlackBerry 10 which is its new operation system. Thus it is important for BlackBerry to enhance its effect of its advertising for new products.

New Zealand Dairy Giant Apologizes Over Tainted Formula


Foterra, a large New Zealand dairy producer, apologized on August 5 for an infant milk formula that had tested positive for Clotridium botulinum which can cause botulism, a toxic strain of bacteria, leads to fatal illness. Customers in Australia, China, Malaysia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and Vietnam have been affected. Products from other companies have been affected, such as Coca-Cola; Wahaha, the Chinese beverage giant; and Vitaco, the New Zealand health food maker since they use Foterra’s milk powder as ingredient. Importantly, affected ingredients of milk powder were produced in May 2012, but the problem wasn’t detected until March 2013.

It is easy to notice the quantity of products is not just affect the manufacturing company, but also make influence on other companies and especially the final consumer from above. Ensuring safety and quantity of products is an essential responsibility of the business. If a factory ignores the quantity test in order to reduce the cost or even use illegal material to expend profit; it would hurt the interest of public and the company has to pay more than earn for its lack of ethics. Business must obey ethical principle to go further or it will sow its own destruction.