Unit 2 Reflection: Professional Social Networking

Unit two includes a section on building a LinkedIn profile to create a social media presence in the professional setting. Having a professional social media network is important in the current digital age which further allows an individual to appear as a quality candidate.

Creating a profile on a professional social media network can be very beneficial to an individual if it is prepared properly. I came into this unit already having a LinkedIn profile created but not a complete one. The opportunity to research the process of forming a professional LinkedIn profile was very rewarding as it alerted me to the missing components of my own profile. The research process demonstrated many key reasons as to why having a complete and up-to-date profile was critical. LinkedIn is one of the leading social media platforms that allow recruiters and individuals to connect and discover potential opportunities. As I venture into the field of technology, it is important to construct a professional profile to showcase my employable skills. Through the research process, I learned the best practices that should be implemented to a LinkedIn profile. My listed experiences were not up to date and did not reflect my most recent accomplishments. This creation of a professional image further allows the possibility of creating genuine connections. I decided to incorporate myself with groups of interest to demonstrate my curiosity in these fields of interest, which also allows me to stay informed on the latest news.

Unit two also began the process of preparing for the formal report through the design of a report proposal and an outline. I approached the proposal with the idea of constructing my report around my personal challenges around transit efficiency. It is an area I am passionate about and stems from many years of thought-provoking discussions on how this transit process could be improved. The remainder of the design process in creating an outline was very similar to my previous experience with the design of a scientific experiment. Using this comparable process, I was able to layout all the components and steps necessary to obtain a conclusion and make potential recommendations from these findings. With a strong background in experimental design, I believe I am on track to gather informative data and infer potential solutions. The layout of this assignment takes the right approach which ensures a detailed plan that allows for a successful research process.

Regarding the peer review process, I learned to remove all my writing tendencies and try to review writing from a fresh perspective. It is pleasant being able to read something completely fresh and have the chance to provide a constructive review based on how I was able to grasp the content. Peer review in general provides a quality check-in point to let the writer know where they are at so far in the writing process and allows for further insight on what the next steps should be. I learned that it is always great to review your own work but it is better to try and get another peer to review the work as well.

I enjoyed having Johnathan as a peer review partner as he was able to illustrate many suggestions that would make my proposal more appealing. There were certain aspects that I would have not considered without his help. For example, although it appears that most people are aware of the current COVID-19 situation, it would be practical to still include a definition such that in the case the report is reviewed at a later time. The improvements provided by Johnathan were very insightful and will lead to an enhanced final report.

I tend to write without a lot of proofreading to get the bulk of my ideas down. I learned it is important to go back and refine my writing after the main points have been noted such that there is further clarity for the reviewer. My peer review partner on the other hand has been doing very well in assuring the written proposal is almost good to go with very few grammatical errors. Through this peer review process, I’ve learned that there is a lot of insightful questions I could be further asking myself to develop a detailed report.

Please find the peer-review received and the revised proposal report below. Thanks, and enjoy.

Peer Review by Johnathan Tam

Assignment2-3 – Revised Research Proposal for a Formal Report and Outline

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