Unit 3 Reflection: Writing with a “You-Attitude”

This unit gave me the opportunity to research, organize, and write a formal draft of my analytical research report. I also had the opportunity to review a peer’s report and have mine reviewed in return.

This report has been a very interesting process as it has been directly around an issue that I try to work around almost daily. It was definitely a time-consuming process but with the schedule planned out, it was nice to have deadlines that I aimed to stay on track with.

Similar to the constraint of time, it was a constraint at times when working with other working professionals. At times, it was difficult to find time to organize interviews and make the most out of the time we would have. I learned that I very much value the time I had with working professionals and that even though I had to cut my interview short, I learned and gained valuable information in a short period of time. It would definitely have been nice to be able to expand further via some follow-up questions but nonetheless, I was appreciative for the participation I received to follow through with an interview.

I learned that there is always a bunch of expansive ideas I could write about, but it is important to use findings and secondary sources that constructively contributed to the results of my finding. This would be done in order to present my findings in the most effective method possible. The research portion always provides a variety of leads in how to construct findings in an effective matter. However, planning and organizing lead to the production of a further refined and concise report that illustrates all the key details without any portions that start to run off-topic. With the remainder of the time that I will have compiling my results, I will focus on refining my results and compile a concise report within the requirements.

The peer-review process came a lot easier this time around after studying writing techniques that implement a “you” attitude. Similar to writing scientific reports, I made sure my partner had a good design plan for their proposed formal report. These aspects included having a title page, introduction, data collection, analysis of these findings, and a conclusion. I also made sure that each point of the formal report was constructive and added to the entirety of the report. It was also crucial that the findings were producing some tangible result that could then be reflected in the list of recommendations. To make it easier for the readers, it was just as important that the data collected was well represented and included in any reflected figures and graphics. This review was also Johnathan’s initial draft and looks to be on track to present some good findings.

Similar to all prior peer-review critiques, I learned it’s also beneficial when I can review my partner’s work and also reflect on my own work at the same time. In a way,  I get the chance to review work and also compare that review to my own report as well. It gives me the opportunity to check up on my own work and see how it would stand up to the critiques I am reviewing for as well.

301 – Formal Report Draft Jordan

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