Final Reflection: Self-Assessment

Approaching English 301 during the beginning of the term, I had previous experience with all online courses with directed lesson plans. I thoroughly enjoyed that aspect of putting in term with respect to the guidance provided to learn new concepts so I came very much prepared and ready to tackle the course contents. However, I also came with pre-existing experience of what I believed was best practice in the technical and professional setting. It was a challenge having to prepare myself to have a lot of my pre-existing beliefs be changed. It was an absolute pleasure to have that opportunity to build and develop even better concepts on how things work despite this and I truly believe I have come out much more informed.

Reflecting on the design of my web folio, I believe I have organized a layout that is clean and simple to maneuver. The design is minimal, yet portrays all the key information that is necessary to highlight my strengths in the professional and technical environment. Through the use of a side panel, it is easy to skip through my web folio and explore different content that has been posted. Furthermore, the use of white space gives contrast to the viewers so it is made easy for viewing. I believe that the design I have implemented is very user-friendly and simplistic. More importantly, It has content that is ideal to present me as a candidate without requiring the reader to have to dig around to find the material.

Throughout the term, I personally found the peer review assignments very beneficial which required critical analysis and applications of concepts learned to suggest improvements to peer writing assignments. However, I realized that at times that I could be overcritical and other times lacking in detail. For example, when presenting my proposal for an analytical research report, my peer noticed that sometimes, I have a lot of critical details portraying why my research provides a good basis as to why research should be conducted. Unfortunately, there were points that were lacking in detail that did not provide enough structural support to make a significant point. I recognized these points and had the chance to improve my writing by further implementing simple definition techniques to provide further details without having to spend too much time explaining ideas outside the key structural research objective. It was an important detail to provide constructive ideas that allow the reader to best perceive the writing in this sense such that the intended reader may follow through with the recommended suggestions of the report.

On the other hand, I felt that the peer-reviewing aspect of my writing has improved significantly throughout the term of the course. It allowed me to develop a mindset that was critical, concise, and simple. This component is important as I can apply it to further tasks outside of peer-reviewing writing assignments. I realized that a strong point of mine was posing the right question to ask in order to provide further suggestions for improvements. I was also able to quickly pick up and understand the importance of writing using a focus that targeted readers when possible. It demonstrates a professional manner in technical settings that emphasize the communication aspect while working with other working professionals.

The many skills developed and gained through this course add to the current skillsets I have. These skills will build a strong technical component of communication that will be very much required in the field of technology. It will be crucial to demonstrate the ability to communicate concisely with respect to drafted software code and design. Furthermore, the ability to carefully analyze and explain why a program functions the way it does is an important component that can be referenced similarly to the peer-reviewing aspects. Lastly, the continuous dedication to building personal skills demonstrates the ability to further improve while applying skills that can be showcased via a personal profile. This allows individuals to market themselves as the best candidate possible for job applications and potentially receive the position as well. Writing assignments and building technical skills is the biggest factor to lifelong communication as a working professional.

A big difference from all the other online courses I have taken, I have really enjoyed the aspect of being able to work alongside a team, specifically my team members from Twirling Gold. I appreciate the knowledge and value that they have all contributed to in the success of my technical writing this term. I appreciate the efforts and feedback from them and mostly from our instructor, Professor Paterson. Thank you all for a wonderful term, I wish everyone the best and a successful new year.

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