
Vancouver (Jordan Zhao)

English 301 is a course focused on technical writing and communication in a professional setting. Many businesses incorporate collaboration in various methods that include communicating with clients and providing project updates among team members along with many others. Understanding the diverse technical settings and circumstances is a crucial component to efficient and effective communication and allows teams to produce the desired results. The importance of technical communication can be seen in the healthcare environment where a specialist must be able to discuss medical diagnoses and terminology in layman’s terms to patients. It can be easy for individuals to forget their level of knowledge and expertise in comparison to others who may not share the same field. This in turn could help alleviate hospital anxiety and stress in patients when they are able to comprehend the reasoning behind certain actions required of them. As a result, effective communication is critical in the industry and is a skill that can be constantly improved on as a working professional.

I hope to further refine my skills in communication through this course and practice effective collaboration with my peers. I am eager to learn new strategies and techniques in writing, discussing, and analyzing. Furthermore, I expect to review elements of writing in many technical contexts and challenge my current understanding of abstracts, proposals, and reports. I look forward to receiving constructive feedback and having a great semester!

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