Final Reflection: Self-Assessment

Approaching English 301 during the beginning of the term, I had previous experience with all online courses with directed lesson plans. I thoroughly enjoyed that aspect of putting in term with respect to the guidance provided to learn new concepts so I came very much prepared and ready to tackle the course contents. However, I also came with pre-existing experience of what I believed was best practice in the technical and professional setting. It was a challenge having to prepare myself to have a lot of my pre-existing beliefs be changed. It was an absolute pleasure to have that opportunity to build and develop even better concepts on how things work despite this and I truly believe I have come out much more informed.

Reflecting on the design of my web folio, I believe I have organized a layout that is clean and simple to maneuver. The design is minimal, yet portrays all the key information that is necessary to highlight my strengths in the professional and technical environment. Through the use of a side panel, it is easy to skip through my web folio and explore different content that has been posted. Furthermore, the use of white space gives contrast to the viewers so it is made easy for viewing. I believe that the design I have implemented is very user-friendly and simplistic. More importantly, It has content that is ideal to present me as a candidate without requiring the reader to have to dig around to find the material.

Throughout the term, I personally found the peer review assignments very beneficial which required critical analysis and applications of concepts learned to suggest improvements to peer writing assignments. However, I realized that at times that I could be overcritical and other times lacking in detail. For example, when presenting my proposal for an analytical research report, my peer noticed that sometimes, I have a lot of critical details portraying why my research provides a good basis as to why research should be conducted. Unfortunately, there were points that were lacking in detail that did not provide enough structural support to make a significant point. I recognized these points and had the chance to improve my writing by further implementing simple definition techniques to provide further details without having to spend too much time explaining ideas outside the key structural research objective. It was an important detail to provide constructive ideas that allow the reader to best perceive the writing in this sense such that the intended reader may follow through with the recommended suggestions of the report.

On the other hand, I felt that the peer-reviewing aspect of my writing has improved significantly throughout the term of the course. It allowed me to develop a mindset that was critical, concise, and simple. This component is important as I can apply it to further tasks outside of peer-reviewing writing assignments. I realized that a strong point of mine was posing the right question to ask in order to provide further suggestions for improvements. I was also able to quickly pick up and understand the importance of writing using a focus that targeted readers when possible. It demonstrates a professional manner in technical settings that emphasize the communication aspect while working with other working professionals.

The many skills developed and gained through this course add to the current skillsets I have. These skills will build a strong technical component of communication that will be very much required in the field of technology. It will be crucial to demonstrate the ability to communicate concisely with respect to drafted software code and design. Furthermore, the ability to carefully analyze and explain why a program functions the way it does is an important component that can be referenced similarly to the peer-reviewing aspects. Lastly, the continuous dedication to building personal skills demonstrates the ability to further improve while applying skills that can be showcased via a personal profile. This allows individuals to market themselves as the best candidate possible for job applications and potentially receive the position as well. Writing assignments and building technical skills is the biggest factor to lifelong communication as a working professional.

A big difference from all the other online courses I have taken, I have really enjoyed the aspect of being able to work alongside a team, specifically my team members from Twirling Gold. I appreciate the knowledge and value that they have all contributed to in the success of my technical writing this term. I appreciate the efforts and feedback from them and mostly from our instructor, Professor Paterson. Thank you all for a wonderful term, I wish everyone the best and a successful new year.

Unit 4 Reflection: Web Folio

The web folio is a key component to recognizing all the success and accomplishments achieved throughout the term of the course. It captures the growth in my writing demonstrated through assignments, reflections, and highlights of my best work. Being able to revise and implement new writing strategies has allowed me to utilize skills that can be transferred into the professional setting at all levels.

When building and designing the web folio, I planned my layout based on delivery-focused entirely on the readers. I wanted to demonstrate a quality that emphasized the trait of being user-friendly to readers where the web folio was visually appealing and easy to navigate. I did this by implementing pictures and providing easily clickable links such that it would give viewers the best user experience. This was done with respect to a recent project that focused entirely on providing users easy access to exploring my web folio. It would not be beneficial to my purpose of searching for jobs if I had content that was hard to route to. By implementing a design aimed toward the readers, I can illustrate my appreciation and illustrate my attention to detail in the position of the readers.

Along with this aspect of accessibility, I have also decided to further tailor my web folio to include a recent project that aims to target issues around inclusion and diversity. It is a component that furthers my interest in both the healthcare and technology industries. The addition of a video demo provides users with an easy method of learning more about the program my team and I have developed. It breaks down the application into a demonstration of how the program works in the case users are interested in giving it a go.

The most important part of the web folio is that it recognizes the ability for students to demonstrate professional skills that are marketable to jobs. It recognizes the need to put effort and time into personal development to be seen as a respectable candidate to employers.

Unit 3 Reflection: Writing with a “You-Attitude”

This unit gave me the opportunity to research, organize, and write a formal draft of my analytical research report. I also had the opportunity to review a peer’s report and have mine reviewed in return.

This report has been a very interesting process as it has been directly around an issue that I try to work around almost daily. It was definitely a time-consuming process but with the schedule planned out, it was nice to have deadlines that I aimed to stay on track with.

Similar to the constraint of time, it was a constraint at times when working with other working professionals. At times, it was difficult to find time to organize interviews and make the most out of the time we would have. I learned that I very much value the time I had with working professionals and that even though I had to cut my interview short, I learned and gained valuable information in a short period of time. It would definitely have been nice to be able to expand further via some follow-up questions but nonetheless, I was appreciative for the participation I received to follow through with an interview.

I learned that there is always a bunch of expansive ideas I could write about, but it is important to use findings and secondary sources that constructively contributed to the results of my finding. This would be done in order to present my findings in the most effective method possible. The research portion always provides a variety of leads in how to construct findings in an effective matter. However, planning and organizing lead to the production of a further refined and concise report that illustrates all the key details without any portions that start to run off-topic. With the remainder of the time that I will have compiling my results, I will focus on refining my results and compile a concise report within the requirements.

The peer-review process came a lot easier this time around after studying writing techniques that implement a “you” attitude. Similar to writing scientific reports, I made sure my partner had a good design plan for their proposed formal report. These aspects included having a title page, introduction, data collection, analysis of these findings, and a conclusion. I also made sure that each point of the formal report was constructive and added to the entirety of the report. It was also crucial that the findings were producing some tangible result that could then be reflected in the list of recommendations. To make it easier for the readers, it was just as important that the data collected was well represented and included in any reflected figures and graphics. This review was also Johnathan’s initial draft and looks to be on track to present some good findings.

Similar to all prior peer-review critiques, I learned it’s also beneficial when I can review my partner’s work and also reflect on my own work at the same time. In a way,  I get the chance to review work and also compare that review to my own report as well. It gives me the opportunity to check up on my own work and see how it would stand up to the critiques I am reviewing for as well.

301 – Formal Report Draft Jordan

Unit 2 Reflection: Professional Social Networking

Unit two includes a section on building a LinkedIn profile to create a social media presence in the professional setting. Having a professional social media network is important in the current digital age which further allows an individual to appear as a quality candidate.

Creating a profile on a professional social media network can be very beneficial to an individual if it is prepared properly. I came into this unit already having a LinkedIn profile created but not a complete one. The opportunity to research the process of forming a professional LinkedIn profile was very rewarding as it alerted me to the missing components of my own profile. The research process demonstrated many key reasons as to why having a complete and up-to-date profile was critical. LinkedIn is one of the leading social media platforms that allow recruiters and individuals to connect and discover potential opportunities. As I venture into the field of technology, it is important to construct a professional profile to showcase my employable skills. Through the research process, I learned the best practices that should be implemented to a LinkedIn profile. My listed experiences were not up to date and did not reflect my most recent accomplishments. This creation of a professional image further allows the possibility of creating genuine connections. I decided to incorporate myself with groups of interest to demonstrate my curiosity in these fields of interest, which also allows me to stay informed on the latest news.

Unit two also began the process of preparing for the formal report through the design of a report proposal and an outline. I approached the proposal with the idea of constructing my report around my personal challenges around transit efficiency. It is an area I am passionate about and stems from many years of thought-provoking discussions on how this transit process could be improved. The remainder of the design process in creating an outline was very similar to my previous experience with the design of a scientific experiment. Using this comparable process, I was able to layout all the components and steps necessary to obtain a conclusion and make potential recommendations from these findings. With a strong background in experimental design, I believe I am on track to gather informative data and infer potential solutions. The layout of this assignment takes the right approach which ensures a detailed plan that allows for a successful research process.

Regarding the peer review process, I learned to remove all my writing tendencies and try to review writing from a fresh perspective. It is pleasant being able to read something completely fresh and have the chance to provide a constructive review based on how I was able to grasp the content. Peer review in general provides a quality check-in point to let the writer know where they are at so far in the writing process and allows for further insight on what the next steps should be. I learned that it is always great to review your own work but it is better to try and get another peer to review the work as well.

I enjoyed having Johnathan as a peer review partner as he was able to illustrate many suggestions that would make my proposal more appealing. There were certain aspects that I would have not considered without his help. For example, although it appears that most people are aware of the current COVID-19 situation, it would be practical to still include a definition such that in the case the report is reviewed at a later time. The improvements provided by Johnathan were very insightful and will lead to an enhanced final report.

I tend to write without a lot of proofreading to get the bulk of my ideas down. I learned it is important to go back and refine my writing after the main points have been noted such that there is further clarity for the reviewer. My peer review partner on the other hand has been doing very well in assuring the written proposal is almost good to go with very few grammatical errors. Through this peer review process, I’ve learned that there is a lot of insightful questions I could be further asking myself to develop a detailed report.

Please find the peer-review received and the revised proposal report below. Thanks, and enjoy.

Peer Review by Johnathan Tam

Assignment2-3 – Revised Research Proposal for a Formal Report and Outline

Unit 1 Reflection: Technical Communication


Describing a definition or a complex term to a non-technical reader can be a very challenging task. In a similar process, medical professionals must be able to clearly describe medical drugs and terminology to patients so that they are able to fully understand what the drugs may do and what a term may mean. In order to do this, we must be able to at least provide the baseline explanation of what the complex term may mean, given the situation and audience that will be reading or interpreting this term. This is as to not overwhelm and cause even more confusion in understanding the technical term. This writing challenge was able to help build on some key skills and make notable takeaways with the help of my peer reviewer, Johnathan.

I found this to be a great challenge as I approached a complex term that I was fairly comfortable with within the realm of computers and technology. However, it was difficult for the reason that the term “virtual reality” could have many possible ways of interpretation. I took the approach of attempting to put myself into the shoes of a non-technical finding this term for the first time. This process was my method of trying to keep it as simple as possible so that the explanation could be understood without requiring any background knowledge on the topic. I think this was the right approach to take as technology is definitely a difficult field to explain. Even though current technology is so advanced, most of the general population appears to understand how to use technologies to a degree but may not fully understand the terminology or components behind electronic devices. I learned that this is a very hard thing to do and to implement an easier explanation of the term, I decided to implement further explanations on difficult terms and jargon that needed to be used.

Being peer review partners with Johnathan was a very rewarding part of this writing challenge. I was able to read an explanation on the complex term of “self-management” and try to understand the technical definition given. It was interesting to see how my classmate took their approach in defining “self-management” and also compare it to my approach. I was impressed by how simple and precise Johnathan’s definition was in contrast to the dense definition I had produced.  I approached the peer review process by asking myself questions similar to “does this make sense using a logical order and related material?” and “how quickly can I understand this material or is it too difficult?” I found it easiest to really break down the writing and look at it in parts that should hopefully then work altogether. Furthermore, I really enjoyed receiving feedback on my definition and hearing how I described a certain area well, or if there were areas for improvement. It was great having a fresh set of eyes to review my definition as it really removes the aspect of writing with knowledge on the topic at hand.

From previous experience, I understood that it is very difficult to get something perfect on the first try. With help from my peer, I was able to receive constructive feedback on how I could further improve my definition. I learned that there are many things that others will notice where I may have missed. Noticeably, my writing style was drastically different from my partners. I write in a style similar to scientific articles which take the approach of assuming the reader already has some knowledge in the field and will understand the jargon that will be presented. It was a nice challenge to really go from this end to the opposite end of writing clear precise explanations for the layperson. The feedback provided really helped clarify my thought process as I was now able to make changes that reflected a more distinct and concise definition. I think this is a great skill to continue building on as it will really help lay the groundwork for clarity and understanding in the realm of technical communication.

I realized that there is a very big spectrum in terms of how much knowledge one can have in a particular field prior to reading a definition. This portrays how the concept of understanding a definition lies in the hands of the writer as they want to reach the target audience. In a way, the writer must be able to reflect those explanations to match the corresponding reader.


Please find the peer review and revised definitions below. Thanks, and enjoy.

Peer Review by Johnathan Tam

Assignment 1:3 Revised Virtual Reality Definition

Professional Writing Team Email Invitations

To: Phillip Tellier, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
From: Jordan Zhao, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
Date: September 23, 2021
Subject: Invitation to ENGL 301 Writing Team Position

Hello Phillip,


After reviewing your application, I would like to formally invite you to join me in forming a professional writing team.

I believe you would be a great candidate for the team as you share a similar background working around medical devices and also as a fellow BCS student. Your experience in understanding a medical device and being able to articulate the demands needed for proper operation is a great skill that would be beneficial to the team. I am interested in hearing more about how you tie biochemistry to technology and your passion for the two. Similarly, I find interest in the role technology plays in the medical field and would enjoy discussing this common interest.

Please let me know if you would like to discuss this offer further and see if this would be a position fit for you. Enclosed is a copy of my application that briefly illustrates a summary of my background. I look forward to hearing from you.



Jordan Zhao
Technical Writing 301/Sept 2021

Encl. 301 Jordan Zhao Application Letter

To: Jonathan Tam, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
From: Jordan Zhao, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
Date: September 23, 2021
Subject: Invitation to ENGL 301 Writing Team Position

Hello Jonathan,


After reviewing your application, I would like to formally invite you to join me in forming a professional writing team.

I believe you would be a great candidate for the team in which we share a similar background working in research and also as a fellow integrated computer science student. This would be a great opportunity to discuss similarities and challenges that we may have in our respective research departments. From experience, I understand the process of writing ethics applications and the amount of technical communication it requires. This is a great skill and would definitely add to the success of a professional writing team.

Please let me know if you would like to discuss this offer further and see if this would be a position fit for you. Enclosed is a copy of my application that briefly illustrates a summary of my background. I look forward to hearing from you.




Jordan Zhao
Technical Writing 301/Sept 2021

Encl. 301 Jordan Zhao Application Letter

To: Morgan Lorenz, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
From: Jordan Zhao, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
Date: September 23, 2021
Subject: Invitation to ENGL 301 Writing Team Position

Hello Morgan,


After reviewing your application, I would like to formally invite you to join me in forming a professional writing team.

I believe that you would bring valuable experience to the team with your background working around patient support and healthcare communications. I share an interest in further understanding all the intricacies of serving patients in a professional setting. This would definitely promote some constructive discussions around the problems behind communicating in the healthcare industry. Furthermore, I think this would be a great challenge in analyzing potential solutions to some of the technical difficulties experienced.

Please let me know if you would like to discuss this offer further and see if this would be a position fit for you. Enclosed is a copy of my application that briefly illustrates a summary of my background. I look forward to hearing from you.



Jordan Zhao
Technical Writing 301/Sept 2021

Encl. 301 Jordan Zhao Application Letter

Email Memorandum



To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
From: Jordan Zhao, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
Date: September 18, 2021
Subject: ENGL 301 – Letter of Application Posted

Please find this as an update to my completed letter of application which has been posted to my blog for viewing. Attached to this memo is a copy of the document.

In summary, the attached application includes:

  • interest in a position in a professional writing team
  • professional interest, experience, and volunteer activities
  • personal work habits and learning philosophy
  • strengths and weaknesses in technical writing

Please let me know if you require any additional information.

Enclosure: 301 Jordan Zhao Application Letter

Letter of Application

21 Park Ln Cir
North York, ON M3B 1Z8

September 18, 2021

English 301: Technical Writing
University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

Dear Colleagues of ENGL 301:

As a UBC computer science student studying technical writing, I am applying to become a member of your professional writing team and further develop my written communication skills.

I am inspired by the creativity in designing software that could aid in the well-being of individuals and this would require precise instructions in its creation. I have had the opportunity to develop my writing skills in the professional setting. Previously as a clinical researcher, I collaborated with members of the Research Ethics Board and with members of the Study Sponsor team via email to initiate the startup of a research trial. This was a crucial process in ensuring good clinical practice as researchers must follow the negotiated agreements to the highest standards and protect the safety of the participants. This has allowed me to contribute to the successful investigation on the epidemiology of a blood marker in patients with cardiovascular disease. I have also found pleasure in previous work that educated aging seniors through physical activity as to promote wellness in an independent lifestyle.

I am a passionate learner constantly looking to further my knowledge through self-directed learning. My curiosity and discipline have helped me learn new programming languages and understand their values in different applications. I appreciate that the learning process is one that takes a lot of time and devotion. I understand it as a process that requires constant practice which allows individuals to critique and refine their approaches in order to reach new goals.

Despite sometimes misunderstanding the subject at hand, I do my best to ask questions of clarification to improve on the clarity of my writing. The frequent exchange of conversation in my previous roles has helped in my development of efficient communication. I enjoy learning from peers while engaging in constructive discussions as technical writing is an important skill to become proficient in.

I appreciate your time and consideration. I am excited for this opportunity and look forward to further discussing the potential of working together via email at


Jordan Zhao
Technical Writing 301/Sept 2021

Encl. 301 Jordan Zhao Application Letter

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