
Vancouver (Jordan Zhao)


I’m Jordan, a researcher, student, and an aspiring programmer continuing my studies in the Second Degree Integrated Computer Science program at UBC. I previously graduated from UBC with a Bachelor of Science in Biology and now aim to pursue a career further directed in the field of healthcare technology. I come from a background with differing roles in the healthcare setting, formerly working as a technician handling medical equipment and also as a researcher in the clinical patient setting. My passion for technology definitely came from the resources I have worked around, varying from an assortment of electronic medical records, software programs, and databases. There was always a bit of frustration when these products wouldn’t work as well as they were described to accomplish. This frustration inspired my passion to design and create tools that could potentially allow for better compliance or even optimize tasks on the day-to-day. I am excited for the academic journey ahead of me and hope it takes me to many interesting places.

As a researcher, I am fascinated by scientific innovations and am keen on staying up to date on the latest developments or findings. I currently follow topics from the realm of cardiology ranging from coronary stenting and intervention, arrhythmias and electrophysiology, to cardiac drugs and devices. I am constantly intrigued by how the standards may be challenged in terms of medical classifications, management, and prevention. These innovations combined with technology, are crucial to the success of overcoming new problems that many may not realize. There is a lot of creativity in the field of research which I believe can lead to amazing ideas and even inspire many.

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