
This page showcases a project that I have programmed with fellow teammates targeted to solve issues around inclusivity, diversity, and accessibility.


Lippie is an app that approaches obstacles caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in consumer experience by suggesting lipstick recommendations based on user input of favourite shades and utilizing an AI makeup tool that can further recommend shades based on live photos and videos of the user. Furthermore, the app aims to find discounts and deals and implements a social feed for sharing and exploring. Lippie creates a diverse, inclusive, and accessible environment for lipstick enthusiasts and newcomers.

The app is currently a framework under development. Our team used Figma to prototype the app, React was used to build the front-end, and Node/Express was used for the corresponding back-end. We plan to use MongoDB to keep track of user data.

A demo of the app can be viewed in the following video:

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