Twitter rises IPO price range to $23-$25 per share

Twitter now expect raise the price of its IPO to the range of $23-$25 a share, up from the original price revealed last month of $17-$20 a share, according to a new filing with the SEC.

The change of the price range shows the high expect and demand of the investors. At the same time, Twitter will remain the amount of the share at $70-million which means Twitter could have a market value of $17.3-billion on its first day of trading. For a company that generated revenue of only $534-million in the past 12 months while losing money, that is a hefty valuation.

Undoubtedly, investors pay for the future, not the past. Even those who do not use twitter know how it have influence in our life. It is revealed that 8% of the Americans get news on their twitter, though it’s much smaller than the number of 30% of those who get news on Facebook.

However, the positive signal from the market is only a small step of the success of Twitter, what they should pay high attention to is how to make the continuous profit for their investors but not only make revenue from advertisments injected in webpages.

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