The business model canvas of Shanghai Disneyland Park

The Chinese government has published a series of policies that support the development of tourism in China. As one of the projects, Shanghai Disneyland Theme Park is being constructed. This is a business model canvas for Shanghai Disneyland to demonstrate its relative features.
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This business model canvas illustrates both internal and external opportunities and strength of Shanghai Disneyland, as well as the prospect of the vacationland. On one hand, Shanghai Disneyland Theme Park has lots of reliable business methods to promise its business futures, such as investors, business partners, and strategies for sales. On the other hand, due to the improvement of Chinese economic situation and people’s living standards, more and more Chinese families seek for the theme parks for spending their public holidays, which suggests that the Shanghai Disneyland Theme Park will become an ideal resort for them, which is another promise for Shanghai Disney’s business future.
However, the culture gaps between China and America are quite apparent, and how American culture mergers with Chinese local culture concerning business operation and management are essential for the success of Disney’s business in China, yet Hong Kong Disney has already experienced lots of obstructs and hinders.
To summarize, the Shanghai Disneyland project will bring outstanding visible and invisible profits for both Shanghai government, investors and stakeholders, and its future values are tremendous.

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