Consumer’s Need Is the Top Thing

In this blog post, author focuses on an important concept in the business world which is how to find the consumer’s unsatisfied need. Before launching any new product, company should have an awareness of which special consumer’s need it is fulfilling and always keeps the consumer’s need in mind.

The article talks about how to recognize the consumer’s need ahead of time by following the trend. I totally agree with this idea and the example given in the article also proves it.

Nowadays, there is a growing need for the healthy food especially organic food. Consumers are willing to pay more money on the product which is labelled as organic. Organic food market is a potential field to start a business but is also a competitive field as the market is becoming more and more compact. Thus an essential question comes out: How to retain the customers when there are hundreds of companies are all selling the organic food. Naked Coconuts the company which mentioned in the blog post comes out with a wise approach to build customer loyalty by offering consumers ‘transparency’. When a company offering their customers trustworthy products, customers will offer their loyalty in return.

Looking for what people need is always a top question when starting a new business and thanks to the Internet and social media finding what customers urgently need by the trend becomes more easily.



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