Say Goodbye to Sears Canada

Sears Canada, a retailer which is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, is facing a huge problem. “Sears Canada’s US parent” sells its stake in Canada to Eddie Lampert, its founder.  In addition, the CEO of Sears Canada Douglas Campbell intends to return to the U.S. and leave his job at Sears Canada.

To analysis the reasons for this survival issue that Sears Canada is facing, first we should step back and look at Sears’ performance in the past few decades. Sears barely react to the changes of environment and the needs of the customers. It is as old as before. Sears needs repositioning since rather than offering the customers what Sears can produce, they should produce what customers really need. Sears should absolutely rebrand or change its strategy in order to attract the attention of the younger generation. As a retailer, it should follow the trend so that it will not be eliminated.

After talking about the changes Sears needs to make, let’s move our attention to its service. “In some locations, you are more likely to spot a Yeti than a sales associate. “, said by James Cowan, showed a problem within Sears Canada. Costumers are not able to receive the service that they expect in Sears. It cause Sears Canada to loss support in the society.

All the retailer should pay attention to its customer service since  a retailer without costumers is nothing.  

Sears Canada Stake sold off by U.S. parent

Lousy customer service sank Best Buy and Sears, not the Internet


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