Why are arc initiative and social entrepreneurship important?

After reading the articles and news, I understand about more about arc initiative and social entrepreneurship. We can join these two projects in order to contribute to our society.

I believed that the reason why we still need arc initiative and social entrepreneurship when we already have United Nation is because we can join those two originations easily. Social entrepreneurs are aimed to help to create social value in order to make improvements on system and create solution to certain problem. Arc is an organization, which gathers the business people in Canada, alumni from UBC, connecting to the global community and deliver knowledge to the world. These organizations provide us with a direct change to make contributions to our society.

Arc Initiative – Fueling Entrepreneurship

United Nation is indeed a powerful origination, and it mainly focus on worldwide big issues. However, there are some small towns and villages that need help, and their problems can be easily ignored. As a result, arc initiative and social entrepreneurship provide solutions to those areas. From the articles “Can fair trade boutique expand without alienating customers?” and “In a crowded market, entrepreneur finds a sweet way to stand out”, UBC arc team helped to solve the problems in Addis Ababa, which directly help them to find their solution.


Although United Nation is powerful, we still need arc initiative and social entrepreneurship to focus on particular issues. In addition, as a UBC undergraduate student, we actually can participate in these activities. As a result, arc initiative and social entrepreneurship is necessary.

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