In January 2008, WikiLeaks posted stolen documents from Julius Baer, a Swiss bank, with bank records of approximate 1,600 clients. Later in September 2009, WikiLeaks posted an internal report from Trafigura, discussing a hazardous waste spill in Côte d’lvoire. These two cases exerted a tremendous negative impact not only on society, but also the corporate world. Business secrets are not safe enough if only collected by information systems.
The third technology revolution in the 1990’s has brought technology information to the business world. Corporates used to keep their information lived on paper about 50 years ago, which were much easier to manage and protect than they are today. Nowadays, most corporation have their own information systems, which aim to collect and protect all the data of the company. Though it is convenient for companies to use such a information system, business secrets are easy to leak. WikiLeaks is a case in point. This turns out to be a vital issue. Corporations may suffer a giant loss due to the leak of their information. Thus, companies should not over-dependent on their information systems. Security departments and protective systems should be set up to protect the information, in order to decrease the incidence of information leaking.
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