McDonalds Food The Truth

I did some research about it and the reason why the fries are not breaking down is because it has too much salt and oil in it to preserve the food. Mold and bacteria need moisture to live salt removes moisture, and the reason why the real fries molded so quickly is because they are not salted to death and they are not fried, frozen, then fried again.

The video looks scary, however, you can not compare that to what happens in our stomach!

To start with, we chew the food we eat and then there is acid in our stomach that helps breaking the food in smaller elements to then finally enter the intestines!

Some research reals that even an apple takes 1 year to be totally ‘gone’ if you trow it somewhere.

I think either way you shouldn’t consume fast food all the time but once in awhile is okay …lol

1 thought on “McDonalds Food The Truth

  1. John Qi

    Very cool video. I hope the fries don’t negatively affect my intestine bacterias, because I want to digest it!

    I don;t remember seeing this on the documentary, I guess he did another one as an aside-project.


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