Old Spice commercial works?

In the marketing class, prof and TA represent us a really cool Youtube commercial, so I dig in and find they have whole series of it!

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This a really hilarious official advertisement and I also find some awesome parodies.

This is one is kind of freaky!

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Woman version with interesting British accent. It is for celebrating 40 years in The Sun newspaper.

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Another big dude

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I have to say all this Old Spice commercial are classic and impressive commercials. I can watch them over and over again and I never get bored. But in the really life, I did not change brands or even try old spice products out. I guess their push strategy doesn’t work out really well, since the ads is kind of aggressive and harsh for those guys who are not “hot” enough, pretty much most of men in this world. Although company successfully broadcast their brand through media or word of mouth, this is still a terrible ads, since it does not motivate consumer to buy it.

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