The Black Coast

This post is also related to some aspects of the previous blog post regarding business ethic. In the article, it is accusing British Petroleum has underestimated and lied about the amount of petroleum that was gushing out of the exposed drilling well back in the Gulf of Mexico.  The reason behind BP’s decision of hiding the amount of petroleum that was leaking out of its well might be its effort of trying to reduce its already enormous amount of fine imposed by the U.S. government (fine is determined by the amount of petroleum that had leaked out). Instead of saving and controlling the damage that the drilling well was causing to the surrounding environment, the company has chose to save itself in terms of reputation and financially. Consequently, the company has established an image of itself as a company that only care about “milking” money out of consumers and not care about anything else. The actions that BP had made generated public contempt throughout the world, especially the environment activists, and a significant drop in its revenue.  Although the company is doing its best for its stakeholders and itself, its actions have left an undesirable mark in the company’s history.


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